🏵️ Chapter Thirty : Campfire

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They were already in Busan, the excitement of the reunion camping trip palpable in the air, but Lisa's mind lingered on her unexpected feelings.

Lisa lay in her bed, her friend already fast asleep in the adjacent bed. Despite her exhaustion, sleep eluded her.

Tomorrow marked the beginning of their camping trip, with a stay in a motel before meeting up with more friends.

As thoughts of the upcoming adventure flitted through her mind, Lisa found herself unexpectedly yearning for Jeongguk. She wondered how he was doing.

Then, her thoughts shifted to Taehyun.

She knew he wasn't one for outdoor activities or adventures, especially in nature.

Yet, it seemed he was making an effort to change, she mused.


Monday, April 19th, 1980

The next morning, the sun rose over Busan, casting its golden rays across the bustling city streets.

Lisa and her friends, filled with anticipation for their camping trip, gathered their belongings and made their way to the designated meeting point.

Upon arriving at the camping site, nestled during the serene beauty of nature, the group wasted no time in setting up their tents and unpacking their gear.

Their laughter and chatter echoed through the trees as they worked together, each person lending a hand to the communal effort.

Lisa couldn't help but feel excitement as she took in the sights and sounds of the wilderness around them.

The fresh scent of pine, the gentle rustle of leaves, and the distant chirping of birds create peace atmosphere that was a welcome departure from the city's hustle and bustle.

As the morning wore on, the group set out on a leisurely hike along a scenic trail, eager to explore the natural wonders of their surroundings.

Lisa gazed skyward, allowing the warmth of the sun to envelop her face.

With a deep breath, she exhaled slowly, feeling peace wash over her.


As night fell, they gathered around the crackling fire deep in the woods.

As the crackling fire cast its warm glow over the group, their friend cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention.

"Hey, guys! Ryu's here," he began, his voice carrying over the quiet rustling of the leaves. "I just wanted to say, it's been way too long since we've all been together like this, you know? Life's been hectic, and we've all been caught up in our own stuff. But tonight, out here in the woods, surrounded by nature and good company, I thought it'd be nice to just take a moment to reconnect, to remember why we became friends in the first place."

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