28 - It Will Rain

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🐭War's POV

"Since when were you here?" Kitty asks, shocked and confused.

"A little over an hour ago." I responded as I work on reviewing a proposal in front of me.  I continue but I can feel her staring at me. "Can I help you?" I ask her sarcastically.

"A bit too snippy early this morning." She murmurs.

"Just... bring me some coffee and a pastry. Get one yourself too. Today's packed." I murmur and I hear her leave the room.

I sigh and get back to work.

Working nonstop but for bathroom breaks and meals. Made sure I set my phone on alarm that I need to eat.

I kept busy. Cause for moments when my mind wanders, it comes back to what happened yesterday.

More so, what happened last night.

Every time my mind goes there, I pull myself out of it. I don't want myself thinking and assuming anything bad or wrong. I try every time I get swayed the other way.

That's what's been happening.

I'd go home and will be cooped up in the home office until past midnight while Yin would be out early in the morning.

We somehow have fallen on a schedule.

Yin would eat with Belle for dinner, and I'd eat with her for breakfast.

Days passed and before I knew it, we reached the end of the work week.

Friday morning is pretty hectic. As soon as I got in, it's one call to another.

"Mr. War? It's the Chairman." Kitty said over the machine.

"Patch him in." I told her and I head the beep.

"Taa?" I answered.

"Nuu." I heard his tired voice and my fingers stopped typing. My heart suddenly beats hard.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Are you sick?" I fire the questions right after another. He laughs then quickly followed by fits of cough.

"This is nothing. Flu and fatigue." He says.

"Go to the doctor. I'll have your secretary book an executive check-up." I told him as I type an email for his secretary.

"Don't worry. I'm already here." He says.

"You feel that bad that you had to go to the hospital?!?!" I ask, solely focused on him.

"The twins bugged me. So, I'm here." He says and I heard Suri yelled, 'that's right!' in the background.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay. That's good. I'll visit after work." I told him. "Do you want me to bring anything?" I ask him.

"No need. It's nothing serious. But I do have a favor to ask." He says.

"Sure. What is it?" I ask him.

"It's the conference tomorrow.... In Singapore. Can you cover that for me?" He asks.


Tomorrow we have a camping schedule with Belle.

I was really looking forward for tomorrow, thinking it's a way Yin and I could finally talk... cause we don't really have a choice. We'll be camped out for hours. Just us.

"You know what I'll do? I'll contact Pat. I think he can cover for tomorrow."

"Oh..." he hummed.

"Sorry. I don't want to cancel tomorrow." I told him honestly, "I need... to fix something." I said with a sigh.

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