Episode 51: morty the The Mystic Seer of the Future

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Then after the incident happened at burned tower...they all go into the gym.......

Gym guide: welcome to your fourth gym battle

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Gym guide: welcome to your fourth gym battle...no need for requirement...just go in there...Morty pretty much like you. And there's no gym trainer due Morty think it's just disturbing his work.
Ash:well that was easy.

Then ash go into the gym battlefield.
Morty:you came ash...It's good of you to have come. Here in Ecruteak, Pokémon have long been revered. It's said that a rainbow-hued Pokémon will come down to appear before a truly powerful Trainer. I believed that tale, so I have secretly trained here all my life. As a result, I can now see what others cannot. I see a shadow of the person who will make the Pokémon appear. I believe that person is me! You're going to help me reach that level!
Ash: even I saw how-oh in kanto....and if you want to me to do it, then I will.

Then Morty send out Gastly.
Ash: Gastly Huh? Then I choose you.

Then ash send out unown.
Morty: this pokemon? I wonder how you and your unown can do.. gastly used shadow ball.

Ash: used hidden power.

Then unown release a hidden power and strike to Gastly shadow ball.. and used hidden power again on Gastly..causing a get damaged on Gastly.. Gastly fainted.
Morty: you quite strong..
Ash: thank's return unown...

Morty: let's go haunter.

Then Morty send out haunter.
Ash: go onix.

Then ash send out onix.
Morty: onix? Hahahaha you really something else. Used night shade.

Then haunter used night shade on onix...but to it suprised it has no effect....
Ash: onix used screech.

Then onix releasing a loud scream at haunter..causing haunter to close it ear with it's own arm......
Ash: finished with dragon breath.

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