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The next day you wake up earlier than usual, to the blinds being drawn open. "Ow..."

you go under the covers and you feel a hand pulling you out. "Hey! What gives!?"

It's Miguel and he looks pissed. "Get up. Now." He looks over and notices you've been hugging the pillow.

He rolls his eyes but it does make him feel a certain way. You get up and close the blinds.

"What do you want? Why are you back?" He crosses his arms. "It's my apartment Y/N. I'm just letting you stay here."

"Yeah, obvi, but I meant why are you here after like 3 months?"

"Because I wanted to see you."

"You did?"

"Yes. Now go get changed. I'm taking you out to apply for jobs."

You groan "this has got to be with worst gift ever."


You roll your eyes and get your clothes to change in the bathroom. "Just change in here, nothing I haven't seen before."

"We're not dating, remember?"

"Whose fault is that?" You tense up and go to the bathroom and slam the door behind you.

"Dramatic." He says as he picks up the pillow you were cuddling. He gets close to it then he smells something.

It's not his cologne. His pupils dilate as he starts heaving, his fangs and claws extend.

"That... whore.." he growls under his breath. You come out of the bathroom "ok, I'm ready."

You see his shoulders moving up and down slowly as if he's taking deep breaths. You come up behind him "are you ok?"

He glares at you over his shoulder. He looks scary, there is a fluid dripping down from his fangs, his hair is all messed up, and his face is all scrunched up in anger.

"You..." he lunges at you and presses his forearm against your throat. You scratch his arm as you try and loosen his grip.

Your breaths are short as you attempt to kick his body away, but no matter what you do you can't push him away.

He's built an immunity to it.

"Mig... uel..." he applies more pressure to your throat as you feel your face turn purple.

"You can't go a second without dick can you?"

You can't even focus on what he's saying you're just desperately trying to escape.


You can't say or do anything besides struggle. He loosen his grip and you catch your breath.

"Whose cologne was on my bed?" You managed to catch your breath a little. "Casey.."

"CASEY?!" He presses his forearm against your throat again and you gag at the feeling.

You instinctively start scratching his face but nothing is working. "So he's still ALIVE?!"

"No-" you cough as you get the metallic taste of blood filling in your mouth.

"No? What do you mean no?!" He asks firmly.

"He's... dead.."

"Dead?" He drops you and stares at the wall. He looks down at you and sees you rubbing your throat and the blood dripping from your mouth.

He crouches down to you but you stop him. "Don't touch me!"

"Y/n, please, I-I didn't mean to hurt you."

"You did though-" you cough up more blood, it's not a lot but it's still enough to freak you out.

You gasp and catch your breath. "You did. If you didn't you wouldn't have done that!"

He stands up and steps back. "If he was actually alive you would have killed me. You and I both know this."

He stays silent and rubs his face. "I don't know what's gotten into me. Maybe it's stress or-or something but I would have never hurt you otherwise."

You stand up and hold onto the dresser next to you for support. "I'll find my own damn work. I don't need your help. I'll sleep at a motel tonight."

"Wait, y/n, please, stay here. I'll be out all night."

"Why? So you could choke me again?! I don't want to see you right now Miguel."

You get up and leave the room, he doesn't stop you. He just sits on the edge of the bed, with his face buried in his hand.

"I fucked up."

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A/N: Omg! Just refreshed the page and I got 1k reads! Thank you so much 😭🙏 it means so much! 🩷

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