i really do

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Collab with @team-foster-keefe-13 and @selena_swift_sokeefe

Alert: suicidal thoughts

Keefe's POV

There were tears streaming down my face. Sophie didn't like me. No one liked me. I'm just this waste of space who can love but can never be loved back. I locked the door to my room and threw myself onto my bed. My parents won't care. In fact, they will be glad I'm gone. And Sophie won't care either. Because she likes Fitz. Not me. None of my friends will care either, because they love Fitzphie, not whatever Sophie and Keefe is called.

I'm going to starve myself. Yes, that's my plan. My parents won't even bother bringing me food, so I'll just starve myself. How long can elves live without food? I scanned my memory; right. Five whole fucking months. I'll have to wait that long to die. Why can't I just jump off of a bridge? Ugh. Because I'll have to leave my room for that. There's no way I'm doing that.

Keefe? I hear an angelic voice say my name in my head. Fuck. She's not supposed to do that. I hear Sophie say my name once more, but I ignore her.

A few days pass, and the only thing I get up to do is use the restroom. The rest of the time is me staring at a blank space on my wall and doodling. Somehow, all of my doodles end up having Sophie in them. I sigh every time I finish a drawing.

My father has come up to my door multiple times, but because it's locked, he couldn't come in. For once, he seemed to care. He had said stuff like "I'm here" and "I hope you know I care". He also passed some food under the door three times a day, but I never ate it. Though each time he came, my chest felt lighter, but when he leaves, the weight pulls me down again.

On the seventh day, I hear banging on my door. "Keefe! Don't you dare think of killing yourself! Let. Me. IN!!" Sophie was kicking my door now, and I know that there's no way I can ignore her now. Because if I don't let her in, she's going to sit outside and keep yelling. So I dry my tears and open my door with my telekinesis. She runs in. "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING, KEEFE?! I HEARD YOUR THOUGHTS!" Damn it, now she knows. I smile weakly at her stubbornness.

"I have no use of myself in this world," I say quitly.

"JUST TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG!" Sophie just yells.

"There's this girl. I..." I start. She sits down on the edge of my bed and her eyebrows knit together. I continue, looking away. "I really love her. But I know that she likes someone else... and I know that I don't have a chance." Tears start to form in my eyes, but I blink them away. "I know I don't have a chance. Because she's so perfect and beautiful and brave and strong, and the guy is a perfect match for her. They would be perfect together. I'm just this mess, this stupid, in love mess that can love but can't be loved."

"Well, I'm sorry you feel that way," Sophie says, brushing her hand across my cheek to wipe away the stray tear I didn't notice. I feel myself tense. "Is it Biana? Or Lihn? Marella?"

I sigh. "No... it's someone else..."

"Can I tell you something?" she asks. She doesn't wait for an answer, but continues. "I'm sure that whoever you like doesn't like you back, but they love you back."

I shake my head and give a small smile, but she sits next to me and cradles my palm. She pulls the blanket so that it's covering both of us, then smiles and presses a light kiss to my cheek.

"I love you, Keefe. I hope you know that. I really do."



~ sophieswiftie

word count: 650

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