i'm yours

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Background Info: Sophie, Keefe, and the rest of the gang went on a trip to the forbidden cities. Sophie and Keefe are currently together.

~ Sophie's POV ~

"Keefe!!" I whined as he dragged me into a store full of dresses. Ugh. Leave it to Keefe to be my second Biana who took me dress shopping. 

"What," Keefe said back to me in the same whiny tone as my voice. I groaned and let him lead me to an aisle full of dresses.

"Ooooh, look," I heard a voice say. I turned around to see three girls giggling and pointing to Keefe. Their blue eyes widened when they spotted him. "I think he's single."

"No... look, that girl is his girlfriend," another girl whispered just loud enough so that I could hear her.

"Nah, they're siblings, see. They both have blond hair," The third girl said.

I watched as they sashayed towards Keefe, batting their eyelashes. "Hey," the leader of the group said.

"Oh. Hi," Keefe said blankly.

I felt jealousy course through my veins. How come they had blue eyes and I didn't? Ugh, not fair. Though I could hear their thoughts so loud, I knew that they were humans, but their thoughts were full-on cheesy and horrible, like who they would cheat on next.

"So..." The leader said. She was twisting a strand of her blonde hair around her finger and was chewing on her gum so hard, it looked like it hurt. I hope it does, I thought. "Do you want to go out sometime? How about tonight?" She asked. That same jealous sensation washed over me. Ugh, they were so much prettier than me, no way he would say no.

"Sorry, I'm going on a date tonight with my beautiful girlfriend," Keefe said, and to my astonishment, he wrapped his arms around me, my back pressed to his front, and placed a soft kiss on my head. I grinned. Serves them right for trying to steal my boyfriend.

The girls looked speechless, so we walked away.

"Hey... thanks," I said when we were far enough away from them. I kissed his cheek and Keefe turned red.

I made Keefe Sencen, of all people, blush.


We walked around the store, and after some time, we came across this beautiful outfit that even I thought was cute.

I changed into it, and it looked amazing with my hair that I curled earlier this morning. It was a white top and beige shorts, with strings on the back.

When I came out of the dressing room, Keefe started stuttering.

I laughed, and wrapped him in a hug.

We started walking outside once we bought the clothes, and suddenly, a few boys started following us.

"Uhh... Keefe?" I asked. 

"Hey, girl," one of the boys said. He had dark hair and teal eyes. He looked an awful lot like... someone. Keefe scowled at him and gave him a warning glare, but the boy ignored him. The boy wrapped his arm around my waist.

Keefe was shaking with anger, but he looked calm. I wanted to feel as calm as him, but I couldn't.

"Please stop," I said, shaking. I ran and wrapped Keefe's arm around me. Not caring about who was watching, I used my home crystal that lead to our house that we were renting, and I let the light sweep us away.

"Sophie..." Keefe said, looking down. "I'm so sorry..."

"Keefe, it's fine. It's not your fault," I said, taking his hand in mine. 

"I'll never leave you," Keefe said. 

"I won't either," I responded, and feathered a kiss to his cheek.

He looked at me and smiled. Not a smirk, but a real smile. "I'm your's."

Not rlly sure where that one was going, but whateverrrrr

not like i care hehe

i was bored so i wrote this


~ sophieswiftie

word count: 616

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