CHAPTER 46: Valuable Insights

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The following day, the class underwent a division into three groups, their fates determined by the combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills displayed in the assessments.

In a spacious classroom, Daisuke found himself alongside Elena, her circle of friends, Osten, accompanied by his loyal lackeys, and a few others who had demonstrated exceptional prowess in the examination. They gathered before a beaming guild clerk, eagerly awaiting the next phase of the screening.

"Congratulations on completing yesterday's assessment at the top of the class, everyone. My name is Thalia Misthaven, and I've been designated as your homeroom teacher. Hiiiiiiiiiiiii~"

Daisuke's poker face twisted into a cringe as the woman began enthusiastically waving at him like an exuberant child. Osten and his companions looked on in disgust.

"Before we proceed with the field test, the third and final phase of the exam, I'll be equipping you with essential information to aid you in your future endeavors."

Thalia paused for a moment, allowing her words to sink in. "Let's start with the fundamentals. Can anyone here tell me the purpose of an adventurer?"

"To defeat the bad guys, liberate the people, and get the girl in the end?" quipped a male student who seemed more fit to be on a theater stage rather than in the guild.

"Sounds about right," another adventurer chimed in with a grin, earning laughter from the entire class.

Elena couldn't help but snicker, her delicate fingers hiding her small mouth. "Sounds more like a hero to me, but there's one thing that a hero and an adventurer share: they primarily represent the people. The fundamental purpose of an adventurer is to cull and control monster populations on the surface, as well as to prevent dungeon breaks underground.

The Adventurers' Guild and its members are committed to protecting the people; that's the guild's mission statement. And since monsters pose the greatest threat to people, dungeons are a significant part of an adventurer's geographical assignment.

Before I delve into dungeons, it's crucial to understand the origin of mana. Mana flows like the lifeblood of the earth itself, permeating every facet of nature—from the vibrant foliage to the creatures that roam, from the boundless expanse of the air to the depths of the sea, and even within the very heart of the mountains.

Scholars hypothesize that mana is generated from the planet's core, its potency increasing as one descends to lower depths, hence explaining the presence of stronger monsters deeper within dungeons.

Unfortunately, there is no known record of when dungeons first appeared in the world. We simply assume they have always existed, regarding them as natural disasters that need constant surveillance and control.

Dungeons are scattered all across the world, with new ones popping up regularly, keeping the demand for adventurers high and ever-increasing. There are two types of dungeons: Hidden or Irregular, and your regular dungeons. The main thing to know is that Hidden Dungeons are like a quick snack—up to 5 floors, and once you clear them, poof, they vanish and show up somewhere else.

Normal dungeons, on the other hand, they're more like long-term relationships. They stay put and can have loads of floors. The monsters inside respawn after some time when killed, and some of these dungeons can even experience what is known as a Dungeon Break."

Sighs of astonishment filled the room as Elena continued her explanation. "Let's set Hidden Dungeons aside for now and focus on the characteristics of a normal dungeon."


Daisuke casually made his way toward his customary corner of the cafeteria, a tray of food in hand. However, his once solitary table had undergone a transformation, now bustling with activity as a group of Beastfolk surrounded Zephyr. Laughter and animated chatter filled the air as the girls took turns pampering and fussing over the fortunate canine, who lapped up every moment of attention with evident delight.

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