Chapter 24

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If I say Jeon jungkook is angry then that whould be an understatement. The elder's behaviour is making him a confused mess.

What did I do?

Can't he confront me if I did something wrong?

Does avoiding solve problems?

All this questions repeated in his mind but them being unanswered made his mood even more sour.

As a result the younger decided to mind his own buisness for the time being and let the elder be. Jungkook will compromise but only when it is for the right. He ain't the one who disrespect his self respect.

The younger made himself busy with Yuna and Jin in kitchen. But he silently waited for the night to come. The time, he is going to confront his lovely husband. But one thing is sure for him, which is his husband whould never ignore him unnecessarily . So he is very eager to know the answers of his thoughts..

Aaand after an eternity the time has come...


Kim taehyung was well.............

He was on edge as the Time ticked.

He successfully managed to ignore the younger better but what about the night? He knows why the younger is silent now. His heart started beating eratically thinking about the confrontation he is anticipating . He is sure that the younger is going to question his all of a sudden ignorance.

What is he going to tell him as an answer?

That he is being an horny b****?

That he is getting incapable in controlling his hormones?

Naah for sure not!!!

Now you may think that why is he over reacting at his own feelings? Isn't it normal to feel such a thing towards our own partner?

But that isn't the case for taehyung. Jungkook is not just a wife for him. He is his eternal life partner that God has sent him as a light in his life. Through him he experienced what a complete family look like. If he loose him because of his own mistakes, then he will never be able to forgive himself.

He is insecure of losing him. What if he touches him without his permission due to his raging lust just like in the morning and make him a uncomfortable . What if he leave him because of that??

Taehyung now is walking through the corridor that leads to their room with a fast beating heart with all these things in his head. He had a thought of sharing a room with hobi hyung this night but denied that idea himself because it might make the family doubt about some arguments between them .

Moreover these silly fights should never last more than a night.

He decided to talk it out what he is feeling with his partner. Yes that's the right thing to do.

Thinking all this he didn't realised when he reached their bedroom door . He hesitated on opening the door for minutes but Suddenly,

"What are you doing here Tae"?

He turned his head abruptly to see Yuna holding a jug full of water.



Taehyung snapped awake from the daze and he gazed at Yuna who was looking at him with a perplexed expression.

"Taehyung what are you doing at the front of your room? I thought you both have already slept since it's been a while we called it a day"

"Oh um it's I got a call from pa"

"Really at this hour? Is he ok?"

"No um yes he is ok and it's nothing serious. But why are you here eomma? You didn't sleep?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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