| Chapter Four : Cheer Try Outs & Chats |

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I climbed up to the highest seat in the bleachers I could get to. Mel's cheer try outs were in fifteen minutes and I decided to get there early so I could be sure to see every girl there. Mel wasn't there yet, but only a few girls were anyway. I shrugged and watched them all stretch and try different jumps. Sure they looked like ants from far away, but I could still see them, and boy were they some cuties.

Five minutes went by, no Melody. More girls piled in and quite a few of them seemed like they shouldn't even be trying. They were hot, some I hadn't even seen in school lately, but they weren't very flexible.

Five more minutes went by. Ten minutes were gone and she wasn't there. What is she doing?

I pursed my lips and started climbing down to the ground to find her when she finally jogged out. She seemed as though she was panting before hand because when she stopped she seemed as though she was about ready to die. I frowned and sat back down as she looked over at me. I smiled and gave her a thumbs up. Her reply was swallowing so hard I could see it. I didn't frown until she turned away.

"What's wrong with you, Mels?" I whispered to myself as a few of my buddies piled in to watch. I saw my sister sitting below me, as well as Ace.

I didn't bother them, I just waited for the fun to get started. A few minutes later and the head cheer-leader along with the gym teacher, Mrs. Sternsvill, announced with a megaphone that try outs start in thirty seconds so the girls should get in line from who has the most skill to who doesn't have hardly any. Mels was closer to the end.

"Why did you put yourself so far back you dork?" I mumbled to myself and furrowed my eyebrows. Trin taught her stuff... Like hand springs, split jumps, toe touches, and whatever the heck else there was. Mel tried to teach me a few moves but it was useless.

They started. The first girl had light pink ends in her hair and was pretty amazing. She must have been on the team at some point.

The next girl had reddish-blondish hair and was as good if not better than the blonde. Blonde must have pushed in front from all I could tell, but they were pretty close to the same anyways.

A few minutes went by and soon Mel was up. She took a deep breath and composed herself before she looked up. I saw my sister waving frantically, Harmony also waving (got there late because she forgot so I heard), and then there was me. I stared at her. She was the prettiest of them all. She was going to kick some butt.

I grinned widely and waved, giving her a thumbs up and nodding. She smiled and nodded back, waving to everyone and her music began. She danced. She twirled. She did crazy jumps I didn't even know she knew. She cheered, and all perfectly, well except for a slight twist with her foot in one spot.

I grinned and cheered as loud as I could when she finished. She totally showed them who was boss.

She smiled and blushed. I knew she was happy with how it was because she skipped off once no one was paying attention to her. I hopped down the bleachers, waving at my siblings quickly, then found her.

"Hey, Mels! That was great!" I grinned. She smiled back and nodded slightly.

"Yeah, but that slip up... I don't know if..."

I put my finger to her lips and frowned. "You know what? Stop it and shut up. You did fine and you're going to make the team. Now think positively from now on would you?"

She sighed and nodded softly. I poked her nose and grinned, slinging my arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. "That's my girl."

She rolled her eyes and giggled softly as she grabbed my arm and held it in place. "You're such a dork, you know that, right?"

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