| Chapter Fifteen : Life's Crazy |

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It's been two week since we came out as a couple. Everyone knew it'd happen sooner or later...I didn't realize so many people were aware of us. I wasn't aware of us. Ace and Harmony have been talking more and more, she's expressed to Mel that she likes Ace but she doesn't want him to know; she's afraid he won't like her back. And Ace doesn't want to ruin their new closeness of a friendship.

I guess this is how everyone felt with Mel and I - when in the world are you going to come out and tell each other and become a thing?! But I'm not about to get annoying and pushy with it...Mel and Ly are already pushy as it is with them.

Ace constantly comes to me to ask for advice or to see if something sounds "stupid" or whatever he thinks. I give him advice and help him not sound too incredibly into her and he thanks me up and down. I don't really know why, I'm just helping him word things so he keeps on the down low. It's not like I haven't done it since the 6th grade or anything...

And supposedly Harmony has been doing it as well to the girls. Love is kinda crazy, isn't it? You like or even love someone but you're too afraid of being rejected to even stand up and try. You lose your chance when you don't stand up and speak out... sometimes it's for the better and sometimes bad things come from it. Just shoot your shot, scaredy-cat or not.

Wow, I guess I should take my own advice, huh?

Well, anyway, people are going bezerk (especially momma Trin ) over the fact that we're finally an item. It's becoming exhausting at this point, every corner we turn we can't not run into someone who's having a fangirl moment over us.

I was sitting beside Mel watching her as she gazed at the night sky. She was so gorgeous, I couldn't keep my eyes off her. It sounds disgustingly cliche but I truly couldn't. I understand now, the cliche flicks she always wanted to watch. I understand the feeling behind truly being attracted to someone. I've never felt this way before...ever. Quite honestly it terrifies me.

I'm vulnerable with her. I'm soft. I'm terrified. I'm terrified to lose her, I'm terrified of seeming too emotional. I've never felt like this with anyone else... I've never been terrified. But I've also never felt so sure, I've never felt like this is it. This is the one. She completely took my guards down, every single one. I don't know how to handle this.

"Trroooooyyyy," Her sing-songy voice called out. "Earth to Trooooyyy."

"Sorry, sorry... What?" I snapped out of my thoughts and shook my head, blinking.

"You alright?" She asked, tilting her head to the side and locking eyes with me.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

"You sure?"

"Yes. 100% sure. What did you want?"

"I asked if you wanted to go for a little walk and you were gazing off into the distance...or something."

"I'm sorry. Yes, sure, let's go for a walk babe."

She grinned and grabbed my hand, beginning to walk down the sidewalk. She swung her hand with mine back and forth in a playful manor and walked at a steady pace.

We walked a few blocks away before some clouds started rolling by. It got pitch black before we knew it, heat lightning started lighting up the sky. Mel hunched over in reaction and quickly turned around.

"Aaallriiight, let's get back now before something bad happens. Lord knows we've had enough trouble in our life with disasters and injuries."

I chuckled and nodded. Almost half way back, the sky let loose. It was an instant and the pouring rain had begun to soak in. Mel squealed and started running. I chuckled and jogged along for a second before I picked her up and spun around.

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