| Chapter Eleven : Awkwaaarrddd... |

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Melody blinked and swallowed hard as she stared at me. I knew I shouldn't have blurted that out. What did I do?! Ugh!

"Like a friend, right? I mean," she laughed. "You're like my brother r-right?"

"I...yeah, yeah, that's what I mean. Haha...w.." I stopped myself and frowned. I looked at her and sighed as I shook my head. Fess up, Troy. You're a chicken. "N-no, I...I mean..I like you. Like, like you."

"O-oh..." Was all she said. Her face was all scrunched up how it is when she's confused or thinking. It was adorable, but also nerve wracking.

I simply nodded. What else was I supposed to do? Scream 'I love you' to her? Beg she likes me back? No. No, I can't. How unfair is that? Her feelings are hers. I can't force her to like me the way I like her. That's like a cliche movie with a bad ending. I don't want a bad ending to this relationship; I don't think I could handle that.

"I can't force you to like me back, and I certainly don't want to. I don't want our relationship to get put out because of this." I said, looking into her eyes as she looked into mine. Her face showed glee but also confusion and thought.

I sighed as I slowly stood up. She shook her head and pushed me back down.

"No, stay down. This way I'm actually taller than you for once." She smirked playfully, but there was a distant look in her eyes. I laughed lightly and rolled my eyes.

"You're not that short, ya know."

"Yeah...but you make me feel like a midget."

I laughed and shook my head. "Oh Mels, what am I going to do with you?"

"Well, for starters....you can..." She trailed off and looked past me. I frowned slightly. I knew that was a mistake to confe--

I stopped mid thought as I realized she had put her lips on mine. My eyes widened before I relaxed and closed them, kissing her back gently and putting my hands on her hips. She was bending over, running her fingers through my hair gently as she slowly kissed back. It was awkward because she obviously wasn't great at kissing. I don't even think she's ever kissed anyone.


That means... That means... I'm her first kiss.

I slightly panicked. Why am I panicking? Ugh, she makes me feel all kinds of crazy.

We continued to kiss. I slowly stood up and picked her up. I began to slowly inch to the couch before we were both sitting on the edge, her in my lap. We kept kissing, beginning to get a bit more rough, until I finally pulled away and placed my forehead gently on her's.

"So, what does this mean, then?" I whispered huskily. Why am I whispering? And most importantly, why is my voice doing this? Oh good Lord almighty.

"I-I dunno... I don't know what's going to happen or anything." She said. Her voice was more raspy and chimed through the air. I loved her voice. It just reminded me of a gentle breeze, gently playing melodies of noises here and there from cars going by or birds singing.

I looked at her before I realized something else. Something just as important as the fact that I was in love with this beautiful person.

She was the wind. Soft and elegant, but once she got angry, you knew there was a storm blowing your way. She was a hurricane, a soft spring breeze, and an icy brisk wind all at once. She could fly you anywhere. And I hope one day she would be all mine. Only mine. My wind.

No one can control the wind, just like no one (but obviously her parents) can control Mel. I have to be the one to tame the wind; to have the wind trust me. In a new way, not a brotherly trust, but a trust that would allow something to happen. A spark fly. The wind to catch it.

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