| Chapter Eight : Finally |

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"Psst! Psssssttt! Troy! Troy Boy!" I heard someone whisper-shout. I was trying to sleep but I was slowly being brought back to the real world. I moaned softly and shifted but left my eyes shut.

I heard someone groan and then, "Pssssssttt! Troy! Wake up sleeping beauty!"

Wait a minute...that voice...sounds familiar...

I jumped up and saw Mel looking at me with wide eyes. Her heart monitor was going frantic.

"Geez! Chill out, boy!" She called out, panting.

"I...I...Mel! You're awake!" I grinned. I grinned widely.

She giggled lightly, looking tired. She had been asleep for almost three weeks now, and finally, finally she was awake. I grinned sheepishly as she nodded and continued to smile softly.

"Yes, and now you're awake now too. So we're all awake."

"You've been out for almost three weeks." I frowned slightly.

She frowned more and furrowed her eyebrows as she nodded and spoke up, "Y-yeah... There was a nurse in here who told me that. I... I can't believe I was unconscious for so long."

I purses my lips and nodded, but then shrugged. "Well, now you're awake. That's all that's important."

She smiled again and nodded softly. "Yeah, and I have a killer headache."

I smirked softly and nodded. "I'll bet."

A few minutes later a doctor was in the room, checking her out and letting her know what all was wrong with her leg and everything else. I kind of stopped listening after a few seconds, just focusing on Mel's face. It went from frowning to almost crying to smiling lightly and nodding. I didn't even notice the doctor walking out until he was almost to the door.

"Hey, doc?" I called out, getting up and walking over to him.


"Don't call her parents like they asked. Let her, please?" I asked. He frowned lightly but nodded.

"Fine, but don't let her stay on too long, please."

I nodded, "Okay, I won't. Thank you."

He nodded this time and walked down the hallway to the desk that was in the middle of the floor.

I smiled softly to myself and walked back to Mel and dragged my chair closer to her bed.

"So, I guess I've missed a lot at school..."

"Yup, almost everyone's missed you. The teachers wish you were back, half of the kids have tried to surround you for hours... There used to be a ton of flowers sitting everywhere, but they wilted a couple days ago. The balloons are still kinda inflated and your parents have a butt load of cards for you to read when you feel like it." I nodded then spoke up, "And your cheer group had to temporarily replace you with...get this...Lyric offered to do it so we'd know you'd get your place back."

Mel's lips pursed so hard they turned white before she let out a laugh. A laugh so big I thought she was going to explode. She held onto her sides as her eyes teared up.

"A..are you s...ser....serious?! Ly do...doing cheerleading?!" She gasped out between laughs. I grinned. I missed her laugh.

"Yes, I'm serious. She wanted to do it so you'd get your place back...she can bust some moves, dang, but I dunno about her gymnastics. She's kind of getting it." I shrugged.

She chilled her laugh down and grinned, "I love your sister. She's the best."

I chuckled and nodded, "Yeah. She is. But I'm better." I winked at her.

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