If Hell Is Forever, ₁₂

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-There once was an angel named Charlie, who unlike her peers, was not the picture of perfection

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-There once was an angel named Charlie, who unlike her peers, was not the picture of perfection. Her golden locks were a mess, her wings tattered and her clothes stained. It seemed that she had been through quite the ordeal, and her eyes bore the weight of a heavy burden. She was standing before a large, ornate mirror, adjusting her sword belt for what seemed like the hundredth time. The reflection of her bruised and battered face stared back at her, a constant reminder of the one who had caused it all.

Her name was Sera, and she was the one who had taken charge of Charlie's redemption. It was her duty to help Charlie find her way back to the light, to atone for the sins she had committed as a fallen angel. But for some reason, Sera seemed to take pleasure in tormenting her charge. Every day was a living hell for Charlie, filled with endless taunts, physical abuse, and relentless training. And yet, despite it all, there was something inside of her that refused to give up.

Charlie closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as she tried to calm her racing thoughts. She knew that today was the day she was going to prove herself to Sera. It was the day she would show her that she was ready to lead the extermination of her own kind. With a newfound determination burning in her eyes, she straightened her back and stepped away from the mirror. 

/"I'm ready," she muttered under her breath. "Let's do this."

The training grounds were sprawled out before her, a vast expanse of lush greenery punctuated by obstacles and targets. Sera was already there, towering over the other angels who had been chosen for the mission. Her wings were spread wide, casting a shadow that seemed to darken the very sky above. She turned her cold, calculating gaze upon Charlie, her lips curling into a sinister smile. 

"Well, well, well," she drawled. "Looks like our little project is finally coming together."

Charlie felt her stomach knot with anger and fear, but she forced herself to remain calm. She knew that if she let Sera get under her skin now, she'd be finished before she even began.

"I've been waiting for this moment," she said, her voice steady despite the turmoil within. "Let's see if you can teach me anything worth knowing."

Sera's smile widened, revealing a row of sharp, pointed teeth. 

"Oh, I think I can," she purred. "Let's start with some hand-to-hand combat. You never know when you'll be facing an enemy up close and personal." She gestured for one of the nearby angels to step forward. "You, come here."

The angel, a lithe and agile female, moved hesitantly toward Sera. "What do you want me to do?" she asked with a quiver in her voice.

"I want you to fight Charlie," Sera replied, her tone laced with cruel amusement. "But since she's so pathetic, I want you to go easy on her." The angel nodded, her eyes darting nervously between Sera and Charlie. As they circled each other, Charlie took a deep breath, focusing all of her energy on the task at hand. This was it. The moment she had been training for. She wouldn't let anyone or anything stand in her way.

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