More Than Anything. ₁₄

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(TW: Murder/Death)

Vaggie's heart ached as she watched Charlie, her once beloved, marched towards Lute. The cold air nipped at her exposed wings, but she hardly noticed.

 All she could focus on was Charlie's smug expression and the cold, heavy feeling in the pit of her stomach. She knew that Lute, despite her flaws, was not someone who deserved to die. And yet, Charlie was about to end her life with just a flick of her wrist.

The trident in Charlie's hands gleamed menacingly in the dim light, reflecting the anger and frustration that seemed to boil just beneath the surface. Lute trembled, her eyes wide with fear, as she cowered against the wall. Vaggie wanted nothing more than to rush forward and protect them both, but she knew that she couldn't. Not anymore.

The air grew tense as Charlie raised the trident above her head, preparing to bring it crashing down upon Lute's helpless form. 

Time seemed to slow to a crawl, each passing second feeling like an eternity. And then, in a flash, Vaggie realized what she had to do.Without hesitation, she spread her wings, blocking Charlie's path. "Charlie," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. 

"Please, don't do this." Her heart ached as she watched the shock and confusion register on Charlie's face. "I know things haven't been easy for you," she continued, "but Lute doesn't deserve this."

Charlie's expression hardened, and she took a step back, raising the trident defiantly. "Vaggie, I can't believe you'd stand in my way," she spat. "You of all people should know what she's done. She deserves to die for what she's done to us!" 

Tears began to stream down Vaggie's cheeks as she realized there was no reasoning with Charlie anymore.

"Then do it," Vaggie said, her voice steady despite the tears. "Kill me too, if it'll make you feel any better. But please, don't take her life. She doesn't deserve to die." With those words, Vaggie stepped aside, her body trembling with fear and determination. 

Charlie hesitated for a moment, the trident still raised in the air. The tension was palpable, the air heavy with the weight of their decision.

Lute, seeing her chance, lunged forward, wrapping her arms around Vaggie's waist. "No, Vaggie," she cried. "You can't do this. You can't let her kill you." 

Tears streamed down her face, mixing with the blood that stained her armor. Vaggie closed her eyes, feeling the warmth of Lute's body against her own. She knew that she couldn't abandon her now, not when they had finally found each other again.

Charlie's face twisted in anger and despair. For a moment, she looked like she might hesitate, but then her resolve seemed to harden. "Very well," she growled, lowering the trident. "So be it." 

With a swift motion, she spun the trident around, launching it with all her might. The cold metal glinted in the dim light as it hurtled towards them, aimed straight for Lute's vulnerable neck.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Vaggie watched the trident sail through the air, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't let this happen. Not after everything they'd been through.

 With a surge of adrenaline, she pushed Lute out of the way, throwing her body in front of the trident. The cold metal pierced through her wings, sending a wave of searing pain through her body. She felt herself losing control, her vision growing blurry as darkness crept in at the edges of her sight.

Lute screamed, her voice raw with anguish. She struggled to get back to her feet, but her legs felt like they were made of lead.

 "Vaggie!" she cried, reaching out to her friend. "Vaggie, no!"

 But it was already too late. As Lute stumbled forward, she caught a glimpse of Charlie, her face twisted into a mask of horror and guilt. The trident slipped from her hands, clattering to the ground.

Vaggie tried to speak, to tell Lute that it was going to be okay, but all that came out was a wheezing gasp. Her vision grew darker, and she felt herself slipping away. In her final moments, she could feel Lute's arms wrapping around her, holding her tightly as they fell to the ground together. 

The last thing she saw was the pained expression on Charlie's face, and she wished with all her heart that things could have been different.

As the light began to fade from Vaggie's eyes, Lute wept uncontrollably, her body shaking with sobs. "Vaggie," she whispered, her voice hoarse. "Vaggie, I'm so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen." 

She pressed her face into Vaggie's bloodied wings, wishing with all her heart that she could take back the words she'd said, the choices she'd made. But it was too late for that now. All she could do was hold on to Vaggie, promising herself that she would never let anything like this happen again.

As the final breath left Vaggie's body, a sense of profound loss and guilt consumed Lute. She knew that she would carry this weight for the rest of her days, but she also knew that she couldn't let it destroy her. 

She had to find a way to move forward, to honor Vaggie's memory and make sure that her sacrifice wasn't in vain. So, with trembling hands, she gently closed Vaggie's wings, as if tucking her into a soft, comforting bed. And then, with a heavy heart, she stood up, facing the world without her beloved friend by her side.

Charlie watched from the shadows, her face a mask of despair. She knew that she had taken a life today, and that the weight of that knowledge would haunt her for the rest of her days. But she also knew that she couldn't undo what had happened. All she could do was try to find a way to live with it, to make amends however she could.

 As Lute turned and walked away, her back stooped with grief, Charlie felt a pang of guilt deeper than anything she'd ever known. Perhaps, someday, she would find a way to make things right. For now, all she could do was carry this burden and hope that it didn't consume her entirely.

Lute's meltdown into hell. (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now