Chapter Fourteen

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Allison's Point of View

I see flashes of a date and time, before a big white flash when suddenly I was in a clearing. I looked around before I found myself next to a familiar person. ''Bella,'' I whisper to myself. I see her kneeling on the ground with closed eyes, looking pained. I kneel next to her wanting nothing more than to comfort her. 

I stood simultaneously with Bella and saw her looking across the clearing. I follow her line of sight and step closer to her even though I know this is only a vision. 

Laurent appears in front of Bella and I see her jump a little. ''Laraunt?'' Bella speaks looking happy to see him. ''Bella,'' Laurent nods at her. ''I must admit that didn't expect to find you here,'' he tells her. ''I live here. But, I thought you were in Alaska with Carlisle's friend?'' Bella asks him.

''I was, it was kind of him to arrange, given my association with James and Victoria. The enemy,'' he explains. ''You tried to help us,'' Bella tells him. I watch as they continue to converse, remembering the date and time, I saw at the beginning of the vision.

''I went to visit the Cullens, but their house is empty. I'm surprised they left you behind. Weren't you sort of a pet of theirs?'' Laurent asks her. I see Bella's smile falter. ''Something like that,'' Bella nods her head. ''Do the Cullens visit often?'' He asks her watching her closely.

I continued to listen, making sure to keep an eye on Bella, but my attention was drawn back to Laurent when I heard Vicotria's name mentioned. ''You're still friends?'' Bella asks him. Laurent shrugs his shoulders. ''More or less. She asked me to get the lay of the land with the Cullens.  Well, because I am afraid Vicotria is quite put out with you and that other girl,''  Laurent tells her. 

''That's to bad,'' Bella tells him. ''Yes, she feels it's only fair to kill you and Carlisle's daughter, as you both are the reasons he is dead,'' Laurent tells her. I narrow my eyes on him. ''Edward will know who did it. He'll come after you both, Allison too,'' Bella threatens him. 

''I don't think they will. After all, how much could you mean to them if they left you here unprotected?'' Laurent asks her. ''Victoria sent me here for information. She won't be happy about my killing you,'' Laurent circles her.

''No, Laurent,'' Bella pleads with him. ''No, no, no. Don't be upset. I'm doing you a kindness. Victoria plans on killing you slowly, painfully, whereas I'll make it very quick,'' Laurent tells her. ''And you smell so, mouth-watering,'' he leans into her neck from behind her and breathes in her scent. 

He appears in front of her again. I hear Bella whisper she loves Edward, closing her eyes. The last thing I see is, Laurent leaning in to bite Bella.

I sit up abruptly from where I fell asleep on the sofa. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Mum and Dad look at me in shock and worry. ''What's the date today?'' I ask them. Harry passes me my phone. I look up at the date and time and see that given the time change, Bella would be in the meadow by now. 

I open my messages and message Carlisle. I don't care what all of you say. I saw a vision of Bella, and she was in danger. I'm going to help her!

I stand up and look at the others. ''I'll explain everything to you guys when I get back,'' I tell them before apparating out of the room right there. I appear in the meadow just as Laurent is about to kill Bella. I point my wand at him. ''Petrificus Totalus,'' I see him tense and fall to the ground. I march forward and glare down at him. ''We do care about her, you on the other hand, I will leave for the company in the woods right now,'' I tell him. 

Just then the wolves come out of the woods. ''I'm taking her home, deal with him please,'' I tell them before grabbing Bella's hand and apparating us to her bedroom. 

I rub Bella's back as she bends over and breathes heavily. ''In and out,'' I tell her. Once she caught her breath she looked up at me and tears filled her eyes before she brought me into a hug. ''You're here, you're actually here,'' she hugs me. 

''Of course, I am. When I saw what was going to happen, I couldn't sit back and do nothing,'' I tell her. ''Are you okay?'' I ask her. ''I'm fine, just glad you're here,'' she tells me. ''Bella, you're shaking, after everything you just learned, It wouldn't be put past you to be afraid,'' I tell her. ''She's after you as well,'' Bella tells me. 

I look towards the window. ''You have company,'' I tell her. She looks at me confused before walking over to the window. ''I'll leave you to it,'' I tell her. ''Wait, don't go,'' she tells me. ''I'll come back after you're done,'' I tell her. I walk over to the window and jump out. I see Jacob Black look at me curiously but tense. ''Sam wants to see you at your old place,'' he tells me. ''Got it,'' I smile at him. I look up at Bella and see her looking between us curiously. 

''I'll be back later okay,'' I tell her. She nods her head. I looked at Jacob and nodded at him before apparating. I appear at the house and see Sam and another guy next to him. ''Is he destroyed?'' I ask them walking forward. ''He is,'' Sam nods his head. 

''Are the rest of your family coming back?'' Sam gets straight to the point. ''No, not yet, although I have seen, that we do come back, and if I have anything to say about it, it would be soon, because with Victoria still out there, Bella is in danger,'' I tell them. ''What do you know about her?'' Sam asks me. ''And why is she after you and Bella?'' the second male asks us. 

''I killed her mate because he was hunting Bella,'' I tell them. ''Does Bella, know about you?'' I ask them. ''No,'' Sam shakes his head. ''Not that it's up to me, but Bella should know,'' I turn around and see Jacob walking out of the woods. ''What reason can you give, that would make me think that is a good idea?'' Sam asks him. 

''She's in danger, and because she is, she would be safer on the Reservation than she would alone. I can vouch that she Is good at keeping secrets,'' I tell them. Sam looks at me, before looking at the male next to him. Sam turns to look at me before nodding his head. He then looks at Jacob. ''Bring her to the pack house tomorrow,'' Sam tells him before he and the other dude run into the woods. 

Jacob looks at me curiously. ''So, the pack told me about the Cullens and they told me that you are part human, how is that possible?'' He asks me. ''My Dad as a Vampire slept with my mother who was a squib, which is a person born to a witch and wizard who possesses no magic themselves, and it resulted in me,'' I tell him. ''That's weird, no offence,'' he tells me. 

''Can I come with you, when you explain everything?'' I ask him. ''I get if you don't me to, considering you probably hate my family,'' I tell him sheepishly. ''Well, you might be the only one of your vamp family that I can tolerate,'' he tells me. ''So, I don't mind if you come,'' he shrugs his shoulders. ''Want a lift?'' I ask him. He looks at me confused. 

I grab his shoulder and flash us to Bella's bedroom. She jumps up in shock when she sees the two of us. ''You came back,'' she sighs in relief coming over to me. ''I told you I would,'' I tell her. ''What are you guys doing here?'' She asks confused. ''Finally explaining everything to you,'' Jacob tells her. 

Time Skip:

''Wait so you're a werewolf?'' Bella asks Jacob confused. ''Oh he's not a werewolf,'' I tell her. He looks at me confused. ''How am I not a werewolf?'' He asks me. ''Because you're not bound by the full moon. I've met werewolves, but you are not one. If anything you are a shifter,'' I tell him. ''Okay, then,'' he nods his head. ''I should probably get back the others,'' I sigh standing up. ''What?'' Bella looks up panicked. 

''Don't worry, unlike the others, if you message me, I'll message you back,'' I tell her. ''Hermione, Harry, and Ron will aswell okay. I'll make sure of it,'' I tell her. ''If you need anything, just text me okay,'' I tell her. She nods her head hugging me tightly. ''Hang in there. We'll catch her,'' I tell her kissing her cheek before pulling back.

''Text me to keep me updated on the hunt for Victoria,'' I tell her. She nods her head smiling a little. I smile back at her before nodding at Jacob before apparating back to the Burrow. 

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