Not A Silly Game (Hunger Games Based)

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Subtle murmurs turn to roars

as calmness turns to fear.

I trust my feet to carry me.

The beasts are getting near.

Their heavy breathing I hear now,

their cackles of delight,

which, of course, only worries me

as daytime turns to night.

Their canine jaws and feline face

are masking who they were

with ghoulish growls and wolf-like howls

much colder than Winter.

These devlish beasts are surely part

of Snow's most favorite dream.

But- oh, what's this? I hear it now:

A tribute's chilling scream.

Side note: The characters and story this poem is based on are owned by the brilliant Suzanne Collins and probably Scholastic Books as well. I OWN NOTHING... except this poem. I love the Hunger Games trilogy FYI. I'm rereading it right now. Feel free to message me if you wanna discuss the books or something. xD 


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