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Nothingness is where I start

'Fore sinking brush in dye

And going on to stain the tarp

Where all my wishes lie.

Tender, thoughful daydreams rest;

In slumber deep they wait,

Not knowing when I'll come to them,

Fulfill their secret fate.

Canvas like a cloud of white

Now tainted by this ink;

Morphed into a different soul--

I'm left no time to think.

Creativity consumes me--

A beast I've long since known

And learned to see as flesh and blood--

Together we have grown.

This is not work but sweetest joy;

Reincarnation true.

To this new thing I've given life,

A morning sky of blue.

Accept it or deny it,

I owe it at the least

To crown it with its rightful name:

My precious masterpiece.

A/N: Haven't written a good poem like this in a while, I think it's one of my best!

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