
58 1 7

3rd person

3:42 p.m. The Wheelers Residents

Mike and Jane were sat in Mike's room, El laying on Mike's chest and Mike playing with her hair.

"I'm so happy you moved to our school" Mike said with a smile growing on his face, she also smiled when Mike said this "Me too, Or else I would've never met a perfect boy like you."

She turned to look up at Mike, moving forward and pecking his lips, He kissed back, pulling her up towards him just a bit.

El then pulled away and laid back down on Mike's chest "I don't think Will likes us dating..." El said and Mike rose his brow "What makes you think that? He's like our number one fan" El shrugged a bit.

"It seems like he doesn't like us dating, I've catched him giving us mean looks when we're together, or rolling his eyes and sighing really loudly when we or our friends talk about us..."

Mike was still confused "I've never seen this before" El sighed "Then I guess I'm just paranoid, I've never been in a relationship, so I don't know how it works, all I want is for me not to get in your and Will's way."

Mike nodded "Yea, Yea you're not in our way, me and Will are perfectly fine" El looked up to Mike "What if he just doesn't like me?" Mike shook his head "You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen El, he has to like you."

El smiled up at Mike "This is way I like you Mike, you make me feel so special" Mike smiled feeling the butterflies swarm around in his stomach "I like you too..." El hugged onto Mike tighter, Mike doing the same.

"Oh my gosh I'm going to be late!" Will exclaimed jolting from Max's bed "Late for what!?" Max yelled at the sudden outburst making Dustin wake up panicked.

"Me and Mike we're planning on hanging out, like, right now!" Will jumped out of Max's bed Max sitting up and Dustin doing the same.

"It's fine, Mike will understand if you're a little late" Will shook his head "Doesn't matter what Mike want's it's about me! I'm never late" Max and Dustin shared a look as they got to Max's front door.

"Well have fun with your little date" Max teased making Will roll his eyes "Thank you guys for today! bye!" They said bye and you're welcome as Will rode off to castle Byler.

Of course this meetup wasn't a planned one they just knew they usually meet up on Fridays.

Will looked down to his watch and it was already 4:35 p.m. he wondered if Mike left already.

He got to his house and dropped his bike in front running to castle Byler to see if Mike was there.

He didn't see him so he assumed he had left, feeling bad he went inside and grabbed his walkie.

"Hey Mike, over" he waited and there was no response, he assumed maybe Mike was upset.

"I'm sorry I took so long to get here, Max had invited me and Dustin over to her place, over"

He still didn't get a response "if you're mad I understand, over..."

It only took a little while for Mike to answer "Hey Will! I never came I completely forgot so you're good, over!"

Even though Will didn't come he got upset, Mike had "completely forgot" about their meet up.

"Mike put that away and kiss me..." Will had heard this over the walkie and sighed, he should've know that it was El that caused this.

"It's fine, have fun with El, Over" Will had switched channels so he didn't hear what Mike had to say.

He couldn't believe he had raced home from his friends just to go and not see his bestfriend!

Mike turned to El and smiled after putting down his walkie, he leaned back into her lips pulling her closer to him.

El then pulled away "how come you didn't tell me you had to see Will today?" Mike shrugged "I forgot, it's not like it was planned though, it's just usually meet on Fridays."

El nodded "you should probably go and see him then, you don't want to leave him hanging" Mike shook his head "It's fine, he'll be fine."

Even though Will wasn't fine and was crying to himself once again about Mike.

"Stop crying!" Will yelled to himself grabbing onto his head and straining his face.

He wanted to stop crying, he didn't want to cry anymore "Boys don't cry..."

Will repeated this to himself over and over again as he continued to think about Mike and El.

Why couldn't he have Mike? Why did El get to have him and Will didn't? Will had knew Mike longer yet El had already made a significant change in Mike's life.

"Stupid Mike! Stupid boy! Why do I keep crying over this stupid fucking boy!" The sad thing was that Mike wasn't just some stupid boy to Will.

He was his everything, the boy he's do anything for even if it didn't make Will happy he just wanted Mike to be happy.

He didn't know why he did this because Mike didn't do it back but maybe it's just cause Mike's an idiot.

But being stupid isn't an excuse.

Will stayed crying cause he couldn't stop himself, anytime he thought about Mike the tears continued to flow.

Will he ever stop crying over this stupid boy?

Word Count: 920

Time Finished: 7:10

Authors Note: day late cause I didn't lock in hard enough 😔 but anyway like, you get it today! I really tried to get it out yesterday but I slipped up, and finally the last anyway is hopefully in the next 1 maybe 2 chapters we'll finally get some conflict 😈 right, love yall byee- Jay

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