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3rd person
《4:01 p.m. The Byers Residents》

"Mike...what is she doing here?" Will asked which made El question.

"Mike said he's taking me somewhere only me and him know, but clearly you know too! Why don't you join us?"

Will's heart broke in two, for many reason, multiple of these reasons being cause of Mike.

But one of these reason is because not only would Mike lie to his best friend, but he'd lie to his girlfriend too!

El is so sweet and innocent she has no clue how infuriating it is to find her here in Castel Byler.

"She, w-was just, you know, visiting, y-you don't mind, right Will?" Mike said hoping that Will would play along so he didn't get absolutely embarrassed in front of El.

"What the fuck!? No it's not okay that's she's here Mike and you know damn well of that!"

El's eyes widened as Will said this, that was very unexpected on her part but fully deserved on Mikes.

"Will, it's not that big of a deal, she's my girlfriend so it's not that bad!" "It is that bad Mike! This is our spot! Our place! Not You, Mine and El's!"

El felt out of place, she felt once again that she had upset Will, she stood slightly and crawled out of Castle Byler past Will.

"I think I'm gonna leave..." El said. Filled with rage Will didn't even look at her as she said this.

"Wait! El!" "No Mike! This isn't about El! Let her go!" El was practically running away as the two continued to yell.

"Will!? What is wrong with you!?" Will's eyes widened in shock! What's wrong with him!?

"I should be asking you the same thing Mike! The same fucking thing! Why did you bring El here!?"

"I wanted to show her our spot!" Will now felt the tears in his eyes "Mike! This is our spot! That means no one else's!"

"We were bound to show someone one day!" Will shook his head "No! You were! Not me! Cause you don't care! You could care less about how I feel!"

"That is not true!" It's like the clouds heard the fight and decided to make the scene more dramatic as they rumbled and then dropped hard drops off rain down onto Castle Byler.

It poured as the sky became almost pitch black, Will's tears covered by the rain as he yelled.

"It is so true Mike! You don't care at all! Ever since El came into the picture you've completely forgotten about me!"

Mike was shocked at Wills words, he hadn't forgotten about him? Atleast not yet...

"I do care Will! And I'm not forgetting you! I'm just spending time with my girlfriend!"

Will sobbed even more, choking on his words as he tried to get them out. "Well I'm you're bestfriend Mike! You haven't spent anytime with me! You haven't even spent anytime with the party..!"

"You've just been hung up on El ever since she came into the picture and it's bullshit! You're ruining our party and especiallyour friendship! All so you can swapt spit with some stupid girl!"

☆Somewhere Only We Know☆-BylerWhere stories live. Discover now