
48 1 9

3rd person

《9:46 a.m. The Byers Residents》

Will woke up the next day on his tear stained pillow, When he arose from his sheets he turned behind himself and looked to the pillow being reminded of yesterday.

He sighed becoming upset, He turned to the clock on his desk and read the time, he wiped his face before getting out of bed and stretching the going to use the bathroom.

After all of that he greeted his mom and his brother at the breakfast table and they began talking "Mike hasn't been here in a bit" Joyce said and Will nodded "Don't you guys usually see each other on Fridays?"

Will nodded again "He was busy with his girlfriend yesterday" Joyce's face lit up "You didn't tell me that Mike had a girlfriend! Is it the girl that he was telling you about?" Will nodded again as he tried to get the syrup out of the bottle and onto his waffles.

"That is so nice that he is finding love" Will tried to not focus on what his mom was saying cause he didn't want to here about El and especially not Mike.  

"Do you think you'll get a girlfriend and fall in love?" This prompted Jonathan to look up and over at Will, Will looking up at his mother as his face began to tint a light shade of pink.

"I-I'm not going to fall in love" Jonathan looked away and too his mom who smirked and nodded "Sure honey, everyone falls in love."

Will sighed, he didn't want to think about love, and he defiantly didn't want to think about how in love with Mike he was.

After breakfast he had gone to his room and decided to draw, usually he'd try to draw many things, to expand his ideas and creativity,  but he ended up just drawing Mike like he usually did.

He stared down at the picture as he continued, He didn't want to draw Mike, he was mad at him, but it's like his mind just couldn't get Mike off of it and continued to sketch Mike's features onto the sheet of paper.

As he drew he heard his walkie-talkie begin to produce static before Max came over the speaker. "Will do you copy, over!" Max's loud voice boomed through the walkie and into the room, Will smiled turning from the paper and reaching to grab the walkie-talkie.

"I copy, over" Will said and it began to produce static again "Me, Lucas and Dustin are going to the mall, do you want to come? Over."

Will thought for a second and smiled "Sure, Over" "Yes! Alright, we'll meet you at yours, Over!"

Will put down the walkie-talkie and got up getting ready to go to the mall, once he finished he left his room and told his mom where he was going.

"Maybe you'll find a girlfriend at the mall honey! Then you and Mike can go on double dates!" Will sighed "I don't know mom, probably not" Joyce smiled leaning against the door as Will grabbed his bike.

"You're a very handsome boy Will, You can definitely get a girlfriend" Will rolled his eyes and Dustin, Max and Lucas pulled up in front of his house, "Sure Mom" Joyce smiled "I love you! Be safe."

"Love you too, bye!" Will waved before smiling to his friends and riding off with them towards the mall.

"So, we tried Mike but him and El are busy, like usual now" Dustin said and Will shook his head rolling his eyes "Who cares, let them be together" Lucas, Dustin and Max looked to each other knowing Will was definitely  upset, especially Max and Dustin.

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