Chapter 42: Surviving the Storm

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Last Time: Banni Dulhan's expression softened slightly, but her voice remained firm. "Yuvaan proved you wrong, Banni," she said, her words echoing in the silent room. "He proved his words, his love for you... He stuck by his resolution to never give your place to anyone else. But what did it cost him?"


March 3rd, 2023, 1:00 am, Rathore Bhavan, Jodhpur

"Yuvaan," Kabir began, his voice low and gravelly, "Banni is heartbroken."

Under the pale moonlight, the gazebo stood solemn and quiet. The cool breeze rustled through the leaves, carrying the scent of the nearby roses. After ensuring Banni was asleep, Kabir found himself drawn to this secluded spot. He should have been sleeping, too, but questions plagued his mind, questions that only Yuvaan could answer. And so, Kabir went to the gazebo—his safe place that ensured privacy—and called out for his alter.

Yuvaan, ever the pacifist, tensed at the mention of Banni's pain. "I know," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

"She had this illusion, you see," Kabir continued, "that you and Tulika would have lived happily ever after. That her sacrifice would have been worth it."

Yuvaan clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white under the strain. "And now?" he asked, his voice choked with emotion.

Kabir sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "She knows the truth now. And it's devastating her."


March 2nd, 2023, 11:00 pm, Rathore Bhavan, Jodhpur

Kabir stepped out of the bathroom, the water droplets on his skin slowly evaporating in the room's warmth. He looked at his reflection in the mirror, his eyes void of emotion. His confrontation with Alpana had been draining in a way he hadn't anticipated.

Alpana had always been a complicated figure in his life. She was a part of his past, a part of the painful memories that he had tried so hard to escape. Yet, she had also been the only one who wanted him, who accepted him when everyone else only wanted Yuvaan.

He had known all along that Alpana had been complicit in his abuse, just like his Chacha and Viraj. But in his loneliness, he had chosen to ignore it and pretend it didn't matter. He had clung to the small semblance of acceptance she offered, ignoring the painful truth that lurked beneath.

But the confrontation had brought everything to the surface. The ugly truth he had tried so hard to ignore was now staring him in the face, and he couldn't escape it. The feeling of betrayal was overwhelming, the hurt cutting deep.

Kabir stared at himself in the mirror, his eyes haunted by many emotions that seemed to swirl within him. He ran a hand through his wet hair, his mind racing as he struggled to understand what had just happened. Why had he confronted Alpana today? Was it simply because he was angry with her for hypocritically berating Banni? Or was her behaviour today just a spark that ignited his pent-up resentment?

As he grappled with his thoughts, Kabir couldn't help but remember what Dr. Sandeep had once told him. "Suppressing your emotions is like trying to hold a beach ball under water," he had said. "You can do it for a while, maybe a long while. But eventually, you'll lose your grip, and the ball will explode up out of the water. When that happens, not only will you be surprised, but everyone around you will be surprised too."

Maybe he was right. Maybe confronting Alpana Jiji about her hypocrisy and her role in his past was a step towards his healing. Perhaps it was high time he stopped ignoring the hurts of the past and stopped pretending that everything was fine. It was only by acknowledging his pain that he could start to heal.

The Rathores in Therapy: A BCHD EpilogueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora