Chapter Four

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I was just about to head out the door when my aunt called me. I went to her in the kitchen,"yes?"

"I want you to have a good day alright?" Ally said to me with a smile,"Okay okay bye!" I ran to the door again.


I turned around,"yes??" Ally opened her arms to me,"Uh, Where's my hug?" I laughed and gave her quick hug then jolted for the door,"Love you!" I said running outside getting ready to face a new day.


"Ohiyo, Karma-kun." I chuckled as I saw him leaning on a tree about halfway from the classroom. He noticed me and smirked,"Ah Reni-chan~" He made his way over to me,"So you want to still do this race thing even though I'll win?"

"Don't get your hopes too high, of course we are still gonna race." I lined myself up with him and got in a runners stance.

"You're taking this way too seriously~" He laughed

"I just just gonna prove you wrong." I said with a smug face,"Okay...go!"

I darted up the mountain doging trees and cutting through branches and ended up making it outside the building first.

"Yosh! I did it! Look who's the best no-" I turned all around not seeing him at all,"Karma?" I looked around some,"Karma? Karma! Where did you go?!" After a few moments of looking i started to get worried. I decided to go deeper down the mountain calling his name,"Karma are you okay?!KARMA!"

I took a few breaths,'ok maybe he's fine and just got a little lost, or he might already be at the class by now!' I quickly started to run back then suddenly a hand was clamped over my mouth and I was pulled onto the ground.

"Aw you actually do care about me~"

I recognize that voice anywhere,"Karma! What is wrong with you!" I said lifting myself up from the ground.

"I thought it be funny to play a little trick is all~" He chuckled and gave me a grin.

"You almost gave me a heart attack! I thought you got hurt or something." I brushed the dirt of my uniform and crossed my eyes and gave him a glare,"When people are trying to help you, you should be more thankful."

"Is little Reni-chan mad~?" He started to pinch my cheeks and I removed his hands away from me,"I'm going back to class." I walked up the path to get back ignoring Karma the whole time.

"Reni-chan you can't be quiet forever~"

I wouldn't let him win this one.


"Reni-chan you can't be quiet forever~" Renee kept on walking like I didn't exist.

"Hey." I got in front of her and walked backwards. She looked right through me and kept on walking. I sighed and walked beside her.

She was quiet the whole trip to the the classroom and that irritated me.


Renee was looking down writing in her notebook and I got up in front of her desk. "Reni-chan~"'why is she making a big deal out of this' I sat back in my seat and sighed.

Koro-Sensei came in the classroom,"Alright minna-san. The first thing on the agenda is a partner project. I will assign the pairs so listen for your name."

Koro-Sensei then had a piece of paper and read from it,"Karma and Karahai. Nagisa and Kayano..." He continued with the pairs.

I grinned when he paired me with Renee. She has to talk to me for this right?

As Time Goes on (Karma X OC) [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now