Chapter 35 - SONGS

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Hii guys, last chapter was only Max's POV but we're back on with the Renee's POV today ! Are you interest in other persons POV by any chance ? If yes, who ?

As always I hope you'll enjoy today's chapter . Please tell me if you want things to happen.

Don't forget to like, comment and thank you  for reading !

Byee, M



Renee's POV

I woke up with my head buried into Max's chest, her arms wrapped tightly around me. That's a good way to wake up. I could hear her heartbeat echoing in my ears. I inhaled deeply, she smells like fresh pines with a touch of vanilla. It was a familiar and comforting scent, one that instantly brought a smile to my lips.

"Did you just smell me?" she murmured in a raspy morning voice, her words tinged with amusement.

Oops, I didn't think she was awake ...

I chuckled softly, the sound mingling with the rustle of the sleeping bags as I shifted slightly, adjusting my position so that I could gaze up at Max's sleepy face.

"Maybe," I replied playfully, my fingers reached up to gently brush a stray lock of hair away from her forehead, my fingertips lingering against her skin. God she is beautiful, even with her puffy morning face. Max stirred slightly at the touch, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She looked so peaceful, so utterly beautiful, that my heart could actually swell with affection for her.

"I missed you" I say, my voice barely above a whisper.

She tightened her embrace into me. Soon we hear the sound of the zipper of our tent open. The face a Oscar cross the cloth.

"Get up marmots" he said softly, I can see him smile at the view of his sister half asleep.

After a while, we reluctantly untangled ourselves from the warmth of our sleeping bags and prepared to join the rest of the group. The cool morning air nipped at our skin as we stepped out of the tent, but the sight of the lake and the mountains bathed in the soft light of morning was worth every shiver.

We found the rest of the family already up and bustling about the campsite. Lou was busy setting up the portable stove, while Marie, Vincent and Oscar, who had just arrived from France yesterday, were still adjusting to the jet lag. They moved a bit sluggishly, but the smiles on their faces were unmistakable.

"Morning!" I called out cheerfully, making my way over to them with Max by my side.

"Good morning!" Marie replied, her face lighting up as she saw us. "We were just about to start breakfast. How did you two sleep?"

"Like babies," Max said with a grin, her hand finding mine and giving it a gentle squeeze.

Today's going to be a chill day, No big hikes. We'll just head to the nearest lake for a swim and relax. After breakfast, we packed up our swimming gear and made our way to the lake. The walk was short, the path winding through the dense forest, the scent of pine and earth filling the air. The sound of birds chirping and the gentle rustle of leaves provided a soothing soundtrack to our journey. When we arrived at the lake, it was like stepping into a postcard. The water was a stunning shade of azure, reflecting the clear sky and the surrounding mountains. We quickly set up our spot by the shore, laying out towels and setting up a small umbrella for shade.

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