Chapter 10

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*Cleo's POV*

"So I was thinking, Topshop, Primark, H&M, maybe even Selfridges if we need to go there," I said as we got out of the car on Oxford Street, right outside The Cumberland hotel.

"All sounds good to me," Luke nodded, following my lead. I immediately went into Topshop, one of the first shops on our side of the street. Immediately there were screams and squeals coming from the teenage girls in the store as they saw Luke and I. A few ran up to us and asked for autographs and photos with us which we happily did.

I love interacting with my fans, they're awesome. They're the reason Nova and I have a career in the first place, so without them we're nothing. I like to show them appreciation whenever I can, I reply to as many tweets as I can, follow people, and I barely ever refuse to take photos with them out in public, it just depends on how crazy it is though, sometimes it's not safe to stop.

"So what do you need?" I asked Luke as he stared at a furry jumper.

"Why would anyone wear this? They'd look like a polar bear," he said.

"Luke!" I snapped his attention back.


"What do you need?"

"Clothes," he stated.

"Gee thanks that's really helpful," I rolled my eyes, going to the check-out to buy the things in my arms. I found a cute pair of black, ripped, high-waisted shorts along with a low-cut black crop top with thin straps. I also found a gorgeous black handbag that I could use for a carry on. Yeah I like black so what?

"Come on Luke," I dragged him out of the store by his wrist. We crossed the road to Primark and I almost squealed as we walked through the door. I may have money, but I still love Primark. It's pretty much the Australian equivalent to Target and Kmart but a thousand times better and has way more stuff.

I immediately rushed over to the workout section and grabbed some more 3/4 leggings and booty shorts, along with a new sports bra. I turned around and realised I'd lost Luke. Oh well. I headed further across the store, finding a cute bikini which I threw into my trolley. After finding a pair of board shorts, a few cute singlets and tops, and a pair of sandals, I still had no idea where Luke was. I know I have to find him so I strolled through the bottom floor and then up to the top in the hope of finding him.

"Luke?" My eyes widened when I saw him flirting with a girl in the shoe section.

"Oh.." his face read his shame for being caught. "Hi Cleo..."

"You ready to go?" I asked him.

"You have a girlfriend?" the girl next to him squeaked. She slapped him across the face and stormed off, one of her bleach blonde extensions falling out of her head.

"Nice Luke," I rolled my eyes, walking towards the escalator. I'd already bought the stuff I wanted so I just walked straight out of the store.

"Cleo wait," he pulled me back, just as I was about to cross the street.

"What?" I snapped, pushing him away.

"I was just flirting okay, it's not a big deal," he whispered, trying not to catch the attention of anyone.

"That's not my problem Luke. It's the fact that you're flirting with girls in public when you're with me and you are supposed to be my 'boyfriend'," I said, putting air-quotes around boyfriend.

"Alright I get it," he put his hands up in surrender.

"You know.. every time I think we might actually be getting along, you find a way to fuck it all up," I said, sprinting across the road before the light went red, leaving Luke on the other side of Oxford Street.

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