Chapter 3

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*Cleo's POV* 


"What?!" I groaned into my pillow. 

"Cleo you have a visitor stumbling in the hall at 2am and he's waking everyone up," a tired Nova spoke through the door. I huffed and got out of my warm bed. I found Nova outside my room, pointing to the front door. I walked over and opened it to find a drunken Luke Hemmings stumbling through the hall. 

It's been 2 weeks since Luke and I were paired together and had our first date. We announced our relationship as official a few days ago and the media and fans went absolutely crazy. I haven't seen Luke in 2 days, but since the concert we've spent a lot of time together. A few more public dates and finally the announcement over Instagram when Luke posted '5SOS fam please welcome my girlfriend @cleojasminea x' and attached a photo of the two of us kissing. 

We have an interview at 4pm this afternoon on Alan Carr's Chatty Man show, which is all four guys and myself. I was expecting Nova to be invited too but they said I was only wanted as Luke's girlfriend, not as 5SOS's opening act. But having Luke stumbling around the hall in my hotel drunk was not a good start to the day. 

"Cleo!" Luke exclaimed as he saw me. He clumsily hugged me, practically leaning against me and putting all off his weight on me. 

"Fuck Luke get off me," I pushed him away. He had an angry pout on his face when he stepped back. "Why are you here?" 

"Huh?" he snapped his attention from the wall to me. 

"Oh my gosh.." I grabbed his wrist and dragged him into the hotel room. "Where are the other guys?" 


"Ashton, Calum and Michael." 

"And the other five!" 

"And the other five. Where are they Luke?" I asked again. 

"I don't know. I lost them but then I found your hotel," he wouldn't stop nodding. He pulled me down onto the couch next to him and leant in. 

"Ok no," I leant away from him. "You reek of alcohol Luke." 

"I sorry. Do you have any beer?" he asked. 

"You're not drinking anymore babe." 

"I-" he cut himself off as he lurched forward, clutching at the top of his chest. 

"Oh god," I rolled my eyes and grabbed the bin and gave it to him just as he threw up all the alcohol. I rubbed his back and ran my fingers through his hair, letting him spill the contents of his yet-to-come hangover. 

"Luke?" he looked up at me, a helpless look on his face. "Have you ever been drunk before?" 

"No," he shook his head. "I only had my 18th birthday a few weeks ago." 

"Why tonight then?" 

"I don't know... the boys took me out and I lost them in the crowd of people and I just started drinking and then other people started handing me drinks and it got out of hand. I can't even remember where I'm staying," he scratched his head in thought, speaking very fast. 

"You're staying at the W," I reminded him. 

"You're not gonna take me back to the boys are you?" his eyes were wide and worried. "You can't take me back. They said I am not allowed to get drunk tonight," he cowered away in shame. "They'll kill me if I go home like this!" 

"Shhh," I hushed him. "You can stay here then. I'll take you back tomorrow morning." 

"Thank you," his frown turned into a sheepish grin. I couldn't help but laugh at his drunkenness. 

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