Chapter 14

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*Cleo's POV*

"Last few hours in Bora Bora... how depressing," I uttered as I floated on my back in our pool.

"Don't remind me," Luke said from his spot sitting on the deck, his legs dangling into the pool.

"What time do we have to leave?" I asked him, standing upright.

"In an hour and a half, 7pm."

"Ugh," I groaned. Part of me felt like crying. This trip has been such an amazing break from everything going on in my life and now it's back to reality, off to LA to the VMA's, a few days to chill out and then back home we go for a couple of weeks, then... I don't even know. "What are you guys doing after being in Sydney?"

"Uhh the tour?" he stared at me in disbelief.

"Oh yeah, shit. Can't believe I forgot that." Luke just laughed, rolling his eyes at my forgetfulness. "Seven months on the road.. yay..."

"It sucks it really does. I love performing don't get me wrong. I love doing concerts and everything, but being on the road for so long where all you really see is hotels, venues and radio and TV stations, it gets really hard and draining."

"You sure know how to make a person excited about something don't you?" I said. Luke and I both laughed, him running his hands through his hair.

"Sorry. You'll enjoy it, besides it'll be nice to have you girls on the road with us."

"Glad to hear. Now come on, we need to pack," I got out of the pool, wrapping a towel around me, heading towards the villa's doors.

"Or..." Luke tugged me back into his body. "We could lay out for a bit and let the sun dry us off, and then pack."

"That sounds really good.. why do we have to leave?" I pouted.

"Because life sucks and so does Jonathan. But think about it, we get to perform our song tomorrow," he reminded me, my lips automatically curving up into a smile.

"Yeah.. I'm so excited about that. My first big performance in the states, and at the VMA's.. wow."

"We'll kill it," he assured me. "Now let's go lay out for a bit and then we'll get ready to go."

"Fine," I gave in, following him down to our deck.

It's now about 5:30pm Bora Bora time and we've spent the morning on a boat, going snorkelling which was amazing, and then had lunch back at the hotel before coming back to our villa to relax before our long flight to LA. This trip has been full of days at the beach, spa treatments and massages, hikes through the gorgeous island, lots of swimming and laying out, a day on a yacht, and yesterday we had jet-skis to race around the island and around our villas.

It's been great to just relax and know that we were on our own schedule except for the beach festival we went to a couple of nights ago, paparazzi everywhere that night, desperate to snap photos of us being all 'coupley', sure that's probably not a word but it fits here. Those paps are desperate to get a photo of us doing anything lovey-dovey, one photo and suddenly there's twenty articles just based on that photo.

I am very excited to see Nova and the boys tomorrow though, it will be great to see them again after so long without them. Luke and I went from spending almost every day with our fellow bandmates and friends, to suddenly being alone just the two of us on an island, thousand of miles away from our friends. It's been a big change, but a nice one.

As for Luke... I know this is going to sound stupid, but he still hasn't held my hand, and although I know it shouldn't bother me because we're not actually dating, I'm just confused as to why he won't hold my hand. Anyway, I have really enjoyed the time I have spent here with Luke. We've become a lot closer and to be honest I really cherish the friendship we've formed. Our relationship is weird, we're not actually dating, but we act like a couple. I don't know.. so confusing.

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