Chapter 6

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*Cleo’s POV* 

“Let’s go!!” I shouted in excitement as we pulled out of the car park. Nova and I had just picked up our outfits for the festival from Eleanor and now us and the 5SOS boys were headed to the festival. 

“So you excited for this?” Luke asked me. I was sitting next to him in the van, Nova and Michael behind us, and Calum and Ashton in front of us. 

“Very!” I squealed, making both of us laugh. “You excited?” 

“Yeah. The boys and I are going out this afternoon to meet with some friends we haven’t seen in ages.” 

“This afternoon?” my eyes widened. 

“Yup,” he nodded. 

“I can’t wait to see those boys,” Ashton chimed in. 

Calum and Michael were deadly silent. 

“I thought you were going to come watch us perform,” I said, disappointed that none of the guys were going to be there. 

“Well we wanted to see our friends,” he bluntly stated. Ok something’s changed here. He’s acting really hostile with me. 

“Fine then. Do what you want,” I turned my body away from him and stared out the window. 

“Hey,” Nova tapped my shoulder from the seat behind me. “You ok?” she asked me. 

“I’m fine,” I bitterly replied. She rubbed my shoulder comfortingly before I put my headphones in and drowned out the sounds of everyone else. 


“Come on Nova,” I slung my duffle bag over my shoulder and walked towards the VIP tent. 

“Cleo are you sure you’re ok?” she asked again. 

“I’m fine Nova,” I tried to assure her. “Hi we’re here to sign in for the festival. We’re Anonymous,” I said to the lady at the desk. She handed over the forms and I quickly filled them in before going to the tents we’d been assigned, the boys in tow. 

“Who’s with who?” Michael asked. 

“I’m with you,” Calum claimed. “And I say the couples go together.” 

“Cool it’s settled then,” Michael pushed Luke and I into a tent and then Ashton and Nova into one. 

I frustratedly threw my bag onto my camp bed and then stormed straight back out. 

“Cleo what’s your problem?” Luke asked as he followed me out, blocking my path. 

“Seriously? What’s my problem?” I looked at him unbelievingly. He shrugged his shoulders. “Wow. I can’t believe you. Now if you’ll move I have to get ready for the show you’re not going to come and see. Good luck explaining that to the media,” I pushed past him, Nova having come out of her tent and following me. 

“Cleo wait!” Nova tried to keep up with my fast pace. 

“What?!” I snapped at her. She stopped dead in her tracks and held her hands up in surrender. 

“Hey I’m not one of the bad guys here,” she reminded me. 

“I know.. I’m sorry I’m just irritated.” 

“Babe Luke’s not important, you don’t need him there today ok? You’ve got me and that’s all you need. Sisters right?” she held her pinky finger up. 

“Sisters,” I intertwined my pinky with hers and smiled. “Thanks Nova. I honestly feel like I’ve spent no time with you recently.” 

“It feels like that doesn’t it. I blame those stupid boys.” 

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