Chapter 1

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 *Luke’s POV* 

“Ah boys come on in,” one of the 5SOS PR agents led Ashton, Calum, Michael and I inside his office. “I’m Jonathan by the way,” he introduced himself as we shook his hand and sat down. 

“So boys I’m here to tell you of the new idea that our PR team and your management team have come up with to boost your image,” there were a whole bunch of people sitting around a table, only Jonathan talking though. 

“What’s the idea?” Ashton asked. 

“Well you see how much celebrity relationships get publicity and attention these days don’t you?” 

“We’re all single though,” Michael stated. 

“Yes which is exactly what we’re going to change.” 

We all looked around at each other confused out of our minds. 

“How is that going to change?” I questioned. 

“Well we need one of you boys to be open to the idea of having a girlfriend. We’ve already got someone set up. We’ll be paying her and all you need to do is show a bit of public affection and take her to your awards shows, talk about her in interviews, post photos and videos of the two of you, that sort of thing. Understand so far?” he asked us. We only nodded, too shocked at what he was saying. “Good. She’s a singer, she’s very pretty, smart and funny. So who’s up for it?” 

No one said a word. How bad can it be though? She sounds nice enough and I can put on a show for the crowd and kiss her in public. 

“I’ll do it,” I raised my hand. 

“Good. Luke we’ll set you up on a date with her for tonight,” Jonathan said. 

“Tonight?” I checked. 

“Tonight. Here are the details,” he handed me a typed up sheet of paper. 

Well this is gonna be interesting... 


“Are you sure about this Luke?” Michael asked me as the boys sat on the end of my bed as I got ready for my blind date. I had on my usual black ripped skinny jeans, black vans, my red and black plaid button up shirt buttoned all the way to the top, and my black leather jacket. 

“No. But how bad could it be? She sounds nice enough.” 

“Yeah but... I just don’t agree with what they’re making you do,” Ashton said. 

“None of us do,” Calum chimed in. 

“Boys I’ll be fine. It can’t be that bad can it?” I figured. 

“Hopefully not. I mean who knows mate? You could end up dating this girl. Like properly dating her,” Michael said. 

“Who knows? Well I’m off boys, I’ll see you later,” I waved to them before walking out of the room and to the restaurant where I was supposed to be meeting the mystery girl. 

I caught a taxi to the restaurant and when I got out and walked in I realised I had no idea who I was looking for. All I know is that her name is Cleo. 

“Mr Hemmings?” a waiter approached me. 


“Your table is right this way,” he led me through the crowded London restaurant until I saw a girl sitting alone at a table, her back faced to me. 

“Miss Jasmine?” the girl turned her head slightly towards the waiter. “Your date is here,” he informed her before walking off. She stood up to face me and I’ll admit I was impressed that the PR guys could find someone as hot as this. She was wearing black ripped skinny jeans, a white lacy top underneath a purple army style jacket, a black infinity scarf and black high heeled ankle boots, her curly dark brown hair had blonde streaks running through it and her brown eyes were looking into mine. 

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