Chapter 8

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*Luke’s POV* 

“You’ll both be staying in the Hilton in Bora Bora in French Polynesia,” Jonathan, our PR guy, told Cleo and I. We were at our meeting to arrange our holiday to Bora Bora. “We’ve booked you two a private jet to travel to Tahiti in, and from there you’ll have a private boat pick you up and take you to Bora Bora. You will be staying in an ‘Presidential Overwater Villa’ so you’ll be alone and secluded from the main hotel so you can have some privacy. Now the condition to this holiday is that you post photos on Instagram and Twitter to alert the fans and the media. We’ll also be telling the media that you’ll be going there so that they can snap photos and videos of you. You’ll be on the front cover of all the tabloids in the next couple of weeks.” 

“Small price to pay for a holiday,” I said. 

”I do appreciate what you’re doing to boost your publicity. Ashton and Nova aren’t doing anything and it’s frustrating us here.” 

“We’ll talk to them,” Cleo offered. “They need to stop trying to kill each other.” 

“Why do they hate each other?” Jonathan questioned. 

“They knew each other in high school and did not get along well,” she explained. 

“Well they need to get over it and work together,” he bluntly stated. “Now do you need anything else?” 

“Can you get us a couple of jet-ski’s that we can use while we’re there?” I asked. 

“Yes we can do that. We’ll have it at your suite for you to use when you want. Okay. Now one more thing before I let you go. While you’re there you need to make some appearances. Go out on the town, eat at popular restaurants, go to the beach and so on. Now there is a beach festival and you two are to make an appearance at the event. We’ll make sure there’s some photographers there to get photos of you so make sure you’re acting all lovey dovey for the cameras. If you’re going out somewhere I would like it if you would either text me so I can tip off the media, or tweet it or something to let the public know.” 

“That’s fine. Now when are we leaving?” Cleo hastily asked, making me chuckle. 

“In two days and you’ll be there for ten days to arrive in LA for the VMA’s on the Saturday. I’ll make sure that your clothes for the VMA’s are taken to LA so they’ll be there when you arrive,” Jonathan said. 

“Great,” I replied. 

“Well now that everything’s sorted you can go. Here’s a copy of the itinerary,” he handed it to me for me only to have Cleo to snatch it out of my hands. 

“You’ll lose it,” she stated. 

“No I won’t,” I tried to defend myself. 

“Yes you will, I’m the organized one here.” 

“Fine fine keep the papers,” I huffed, crossing my arms and pouting. 

“Aww did I make poor Lukey said?” she cooed, poking my cheeks. I poked my tongue out at her childishly making her giggle. 

“Okay you two we’re done,” Jonathan said, flicking his wrist for us to leave. Cleo and I both chuckled and walked out. 

“We got in trouble,” Cleo said in a sing-song voice, as if we were kids who had just come out of the principal’s office. 

“Oh well. We’re going to Bora Bora!” I exclaimed in delight. “I can’t wait to get out of this rain and cold weather and get to Bora Bora… it’s going to be amazing.” 

“It will be. We’re staying at a gorgeous resort, private plane, like there is nothing that could possibly make this better.” 


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