Chapter 11

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*Ashton's POV*

"You need to do an appearance or something to get your publicity up. No one even knows you're dating!" Jonathan yelled at Nova and I. We had been called into a meeting to discuss our 'relationship' or lack thereof. Jonathan was pissed off to say the least, that we hadn't been doing anything or saying anything about being together. But there is a massive fucking reason for that, which is we hate each other!! He could have put her with Michael or Calum and it would have been fine, but me? It's ridiculous. "I have something planned for you," Jonathan continued. "In LA when you two, Calum and Michael get off the jet, there will be paparazzi around, and you two need to be holding hands. Plus, take a selfie or something on the plane and then post it after you land."

"Can't you stick her with one of the other guys?" I begged him.

"Ashton shut up. It's done and sorted, deal with it. You guys need to work with me here," Jonathan said.

"I'll do it, but I'm not spending any unnecessary time with him," Nova told him, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You don't have to, just make an effort, particularly on the red carpet at the VMA's. Luke and Cleo will be together, you two need to be as well. You'll all arrive at the same time, do your band photos and interviews and then probably go back to do couples photos and interviews. Luke and Cleo are really making an effort, why can't you two?"


"You've made that blatantly obvious to me, but too bad. Deal with it. You guys are going to be stuck on the road together doing a tour for about seven months, you need to learn to get along."

"I don't get why you couldn't have Luke and Cleo and leave it at that?" Nova wondered.

"Because we wanted double the amount of publicity for both your bands. Do you understand?"

"Yes," we both mumbled.

"Good. Now if you two don't start doing something, remember that I am the guy who can make your careers very difficult. Do you want to ruin you and your bandmates' careers?" he asked us.

"No," we answered.

"Then it's sorted. You two can go now," he said, closing his file. Nova knocked over her chair in her hurry to get out of the room, slamming the door shut behind her. I reluctantly followed her, a million thoughts flowing through my mind. I spotted Nova at the end of the hall, pressing the button on the lift.

"It's not going to make it go any faster," I said as I stood next to her.

"Shut up," she snapped, folding her arms over her chest.

"Look I know we hate each other but we should at least learn to be civil for the sake of our friends." She sighed, letting her arms fall to her sides.

"I guess, we do seem to be pissing them all off. Maybe that's why Luke and Cleo wanted to run away from us," she thought.

"Maybe. But even so, we're stuck in this situation, we need to deal with it without killing each other."

"Alright, what do you propose?" she asked as we stepped into the lift.

"Let's shut Jonathan up and do what he's asking and a bit more. Like we could take a selfie right now and post it on twitter and he'd be happy for a week."

"Get out your phone then," she ordered me. I chuckled softly to myself, grabbing my phone out my pocket and lining up the shot. Once it was snapped we both checked it. "I'm happy with that, post it on your twitter and announce it to the world Ashy." I immediately glared at the smirking girl next to me.

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