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In the Underworld:

In the midst of the underworld stood three male demons who remained more relaxed than the others. Standing in front of the cracked window of a run-down building, the three demons smirked at each other. One of them had a pair of small, sharp horns on his bald head and he tugged on his tattered shirt with his long, black claws. The other one standing next to him was more human-like, with long, jet-black hair tied to a ponytail and was dressed in black pants, shirt and a long coat. But his eyes were most peculiar as they were cat-like and yellow. He stared at the demon next to him and grinned. The other one was wearing a long, indigo robe, was completely covered in pale blue scales and had big, protruding lime green eyes with tiny black pupils. He raised his webbed hands and scratched his scaly head as a dragonfly flew past. He looked around first before he shot out his long red tongue, caught the dragonfly and quickly brought it into his mouth.

"Eww that is so totally gross!" cried out the long-haired demon as he stared at Misty with disgust, the horned demon gagging beside him. He suddenly clutched his throat in surprise at his own, deep voice. The three girls had changed into demons to blend in with the crowd and made sure that this time the spell was strong.

"I know but im playing a part," said Misty, pushing the wing, which was sticking out, into her mouth with her webbed hands.

"How can you eat that?" asked Stacey revolted, touching her horn. "We have to get Jacob and-" She stopped as she saw the cracked mirror and noticed a hooded demon standing right behind them.

"Get Jacob and use him as bait to get the Willers here," she completed, turning around.

The hooded demon grunted and moved on. The others sighed with relief, but stiffened when he called out to them, "Hey! What's your name?"

"Uh, Alex... trix," said Stacey, looking at him gingerly.

He nodded and left.

"That was close," said Sarah, running her hand through her long, black hair.

"Yeah, now let's really find Jacob," said Misty, walking ahead.

Tension was running high among the chthonian as they ran around the place, gathering weapons, supplies and traps to get the Willers. They knew that the girls might be here, so they were preparing for their arrival. Demons were feverishly learning warfare and working on their powers. As the girls walked through the crowd, they tried to catch what they were saying, but all they could hear was the word 'Willers' were repeating over and over in their gibberish conversation.

They walked around and noticed the demon, who had spoken to them earlier, was walking away from the crowd. They followed him and found themselves in the quieter part of the region, with the empty land stretching agelessly. They soon saw a tall, sinister, two storey high building built with red bricks and had two large, wooden doors at the entrance. The whole place was heavily guarded as guards wearing the same indigo robes walked around the area, looking at each other suspiciously as they gripped their weapons. The sky above was throwing a dark shadow over them and it looked like as if it was going to rain.

The trio quietly continued following the demon and watched him walk up to the front doors. One of the guards stopped him and asked him something. The demon nodded and pulled out a piece of paper from within his robe and handed it to the guard. The guard stepped aside to let him pass through the door.

Stacey pulled out her dagger and kept it at a ready position, in case she needed to strike, and she tried to walk but Misty held her back.

"I can't do that," she whispered, eyeing the dagger.

"Can't do what?" asked Stacey.

"This," she said, pulling out her own knife. "I can't kill."

"What do you mean you can't kill?"

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