The New Beginning

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Saturday, 2nd December.

A month has passed and everything is back to normal. Ann and Xeradius are dead and the demons have no guts to fight us. Now, we can hope for a proper life without worrying about evil and stuff.

Jacob is still worried about us entering our evil side and is fretting that we might tamper with it again. So, the yoga diva Misty thought of meditation to help us suppress our evil side, and it actually works. Speaking of our cousins -

"Stacey! Lunch!" Jacob called out from downstairs.

"In a minute," she yelled back as she hurriedly scribbled in her diary.

Sarah and I have a plan that our cousins will never forget. I just hope it works.

She shut the diary, buried it under her mattress and teleported.

The atmosphere of the house was entirely different without the usual turmoil that would normally take place. It was more refreshing and lively as Stacey appeared at the kitchen and gawped at the table which the girls were setting up.

Jacob had prepared cuisines from half the world; Greece, Italy, Chinese, Mexican and Indian.

"Wow, Jacob! You have seriously out-done yourself this time," said Stacey, smacking her lips.

"Thanks," he replied, smiling. "I just wanted to flex my cooking skills."

"You know, you could be a chef," said Misty, placing some of the food on her plate. He just laughed at the thought of it.

As she took a seat, she noticed Stacey and Sarah exchanging weird glances from across the table. She tried hacking into their minds, but couldn't get through the wall surrounding it.

'Weird,' she though as she saw them exchanging another look, grinning.

What Misty didn't know was that Stacey and Sarah had built a tough, imaginary barrier around their thoughts with the help of a spell, since they knew that she might cut through and know the whole surprise they had in store for her and her brother.

A week later:

Jacob quickly parked the car and hurried inside their home. He had just returned from work and had some exciting news for them.

"Girls?" he yelled happily. "C'mon down. I have something to tell you guys."

"Coming," came the reply from upstairs.

He placed his suitcase down and removed his black coat. Just as he was hanging it, he heard their footsteps coming down the stairs and Misty saying, "What's so exciting?"

He turned around and yelled, dropping his coat.

"Aargh... what the heck did you do to your faces?!"

"It's called a face mask," said Misty pointedly, while Stacey and Sarah shifted uncomfortably on their feet. The sisters were forced into putting them on, since its Misty's way of having some girly time.

"What was wrong with the first one?" laughed Jacob.

Misty gave an anguished cry and tore after him, yelling, "I'm going to get you."

"Not if I get him first," said Stacey and teleported.

A little while later, after the wild goose chase, Jacob was tied to a chair while the girls grinned wickedly down at him.

"Girls, don't!" he yelled, struggling to free himself as he watched them unscrew the top of a pale green face mask container.

"Don't even think of using your powers on these ropes," said Misty threateningly. "It will be no use since they're magic proof." She dipped her hand into the slimy, green glop and rubbed it on his face while he squirmed and struggled.

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