Chapter 15

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Kim was exhausted after his tutoring session. He probably had to explain like a hundred times how dominant and recessive traits are different. After he was done he checked his phone in case he got any notifications. He saw one from Jeff. 'Sorry Kim, we ate all the pizzas'. 'It's okay, I'll eat something at the convenience store nearby' He answered by sending the message. Kim just headed straight into the convenience store. He grabbed a buldak ramen, onigiri, and pear juice.

"Eeey, Way when are we going to meet them again?" Sonic said sitting while looking at him. "Mmmm probably the next time I'm free." Way said. "Do you know when?" Sonic said egear to know. "We'll meet them soon. Don't worry." Way said, patting his shoulder. "Did you have fun?" Way asked him. "Yea it was really fun. Jeff should have gone with us" Sonic said. "Huh me?" Jeff said, paying attention. "Yea you should have gone with us." Sonic said. "He can go next time." Way said leaving to grab some juice boxes.

"You know what would be nice" Sonic said excited to share. "What?" Jeff said. "Well if we could all hang out." "Who?" Jeff said. "Well everywon, Babe, Kenta, Alan, North, and Pete with all of us." "I don't know about that Sonic. We would all have to agree and be free for that" Way said coming back handing them their juice. "Way is right about that" Jeff said agreeing with his statement. "Well there's no harm in trying." Sonic said happy sipping on his juice. "I guess your right. I'll see what we can do" Way said smiling. With that Sonic was happy.

Kim came after he was finished eating at the store. As he walked into the house there was no light in sight. Seems like they all went to sleep. Kim checked the time seeing it was 9:25. Charlie probably already finished his shift. Kim whent to read a book in his room before he went to sleep. Charlie arrived an hour later. "Seems like they're all asleep" he said as he went to the kitchen. He went to grab some cookies and milk and headed to his bedroom. He munched on them while reading a book until midnight. He then slept a good nights rest.

Then the next morning Charlie went and made eggs and toast for everywon before leaving to go to work. He wanted to make them pancakes but there was no time so he thought it would be better next time. As soon as Charlie left Sonic smelled the aroma of the eggs and toast. He changed and got ready and woke up the rest of the house.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up there's food" He said going around knocking on all the doors. They all woke up to how much ruckus Sonic was causing. They all got ready and went out, all placing glares at Sonic for waking them up. "Come, come" Sonic said, placing all the food on the table. Jeff decided to teleport to the chair. He was too sleepy to walk. They all sat down and began to eat. "Hey Kim, you have work right?" Way said. "I do. I have to tutor three kids today" Kim said. "Dam, I feel bad for you." Way said snickering. "Aaaha very funny." Kim said, annoyed. "Way you have to work too, right?" Sonic said while eating his bacon. "Yeep. You'll be all alone." Way said. "Can we go somewhere? We're going to be bored." Sonic said. Kim finished his food so he got up to place it in the sink. He left to gather his things to leave for work. "We're exactly?" Way said. He was skeptical of were they wanted to go.

Sonic didn't have an idea. Way clearly saw that Sonic was thinking about it. "Why don't you ask-!" Sonic cut him off before Way could finish his sentence. "The library!" Sonic said after finishing thinking. "What are you going to do there? You don't read" Way said laughing. "How dare you say that. I do read..... sometimes." Sonic said, trying to defend himself. "Yea.. sure. So the library?" Way said conforming that's where they'll be.

"Yea right Jeff?" Sonic said. "Sure. I could return my books and read new ones." Jeff said. "My shift is short so if I see you there by 1:23, I'll buy you food" Way said Hoping they don't do anything crazy with that offer. "Really?" Jeff and Sonic said excited. "Yeep. Think about it." Way said leaving while smiling. Sonic was thinking about the food. "Well then hurry up since nobody will be in the house. I will lock the door" Way said, going to grab his things he needs for work. "Oh right." Sonic said while he and Jeff finished their breakfast.

Kim was going to leave with his backpack. "Bye, see you guys later," Kim said, waving back and leaving. They all waved back. "Ok get ready. And grab the keys. In case anything happens" Way said remembering them and himself to grab his keys. Jeff teleported into his room to grab the books he was planning on returning. "Are you ready?" Way said, talking loud enough for them to hear. Jeff grabbed his backpack so he didn't have to carry the books he would return and get. Sonic and Jeff were ready to go. "Alright let's get going" Way said, locking the door and leaving.

On the other hand the hunters were discussing what to do. "We're doomed," North said, sitting down on the couch playing a game on his phone. "I'm sure there's something we can do," Kenta said, sitting down next to North. "Yea like what?" Pete said walking over joining in the conversation. "Mmmm, well do we really know where they would be?" Kenta said. "Well the ones we have captured were hiding in abandoned buildings." North said, remembering. "Yea but we don't really know that much about high rank creatures." Pete said. "That's true. Also where's Babe?" North said. "You weren't paying attention in the meeting were you? He's speaking with Tony to see if we can gain more time." Kenta said. "Ohhhh. So where should we go for this information we need of" North said, still playing his game. "Well I would say the library. There's good books about their powers." Kenta said. "That's very useful." Pete said. "So the library?" Kenta said, seeing if they agree. "Sure let's just go, get up North." Pete said, trying to drag him out of the sofa. "Ok, ok, I'm coming." North said, placing his phone away. 

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