Chapter 1

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After I left school , I walk out to the bus stop. I stood there and seen the bus coming. I got on and paid the machine and walked to the back. I found a seat and sat down. I realize them same want to be ass thugs riding the bus today. I rolled my eyes as they talked bad to each about not having the latest Jordan's. I'm annoyed like honesty who gives a rat ass, boys honestly got their priorities fucked up. I went to school with them and like I thought , they not trying to do anything with their life. Except 1, Hakeem, he was a smart kid and made straight A's, I don't know why he hangs out with they dumb asses, but then again he is the ring leader and an asshole . We use to be bestfriends but things changed. I notice he kept looking at me but I pretended to not notice or even care to look over.
The bus stopped and a elder lady walked on. There were no more seats. she came to the back and glanced around and nobody moved. I rolled my eyes and stood up. "you can have my seat." I told her. "thank you sweetie." she smiled. "no problem." I replied standing up and holding on the pole.

When I got off ,I walked home. When I got inside my mom was already gone to work. I sighed and went to kitchen. I fired some chicken and made a huge
bowl of salad.

After my dinner I took a bubble bath. I washed my hair yesterday, so I won't wash it again til Monday.

After 30 mins, I got out and rapped a towel around my body. I walked to my draw and slide on my pink by Victoria secret panties with the matching push bra. I lotion my body and threw on a over size t-shirt. I wrapped my hair and threw on my bonnet and was now ready for bed. I crawled into my sheets and laid my head on my pillow. I watched the Braxton family values until my eyes drifted to sleep.

I was woken out my sleep to my door buzzing. I frowned up and notice it was 1:45 am. I got up and walked into the livingroom. I look out the peep hole and surprised to see Hakeem. "Why is he here at my house ?!." I asked my self. I crack the door open and notice his hazel eyes were so pretty with the porch light. "What's up ?" I asked still half sleep. "Hey jasmine, I was seeing if i could stay here a few minutes until my sister gets the house, I'm locked out. "where yo boys at ?" I asking getting smart with him. "they all live about 3 miles from here , you the only one I know who stay on my street." he replied. "I guess you better get to walking." I replied trying to shut the door but he stopped me. "I don't never bother you, just a few minutes, my sister going be home soon, it's about to rain." I sighed and open the door for him to come in. Hakeem walked in and sat on the couch. I cut on the tv and I sat on the love seat. "im sorry if I woke you." he spoke softly. "it's whatever." I said with a attitude. "Why you always act like that?" He asked me. "acting like what ?" I questioned. "mad, every time I see you, you look annoyed and mad." He replied. "you expect me to be happy go lucky when I been woke out my sleep cause your childish ass forgot your keys and can't walk to your boys house." I glared at him. He chuckled and nodded. "ok jasmine."
After a few minutes I was really ready for him to go. "What happen to us ?" Hakeem asked. "I don't know should ask your self that question." I rolled my eyes. "you stop being my friend after you saw me go the school dance with another girl in 10th grade." I didn't like think about the past and the way he said it made it seem like It was petty but it was more than that. I had my first kiss with Hakeem and the biggest crush on him back then. I mean we knew each other since middle school, and he was there for me when my dad died but 10th grade year I wanted to go with the dance with him so bad but he told me he wasn't going. I went by my self and Ashlynn but she had a date and I saw him there with Tiffany, the biggest bitch of high school. I hated him ever since then. He broke my heart and I will never trust him with it again. "Look, what happen back then doesn't matter now ok ?" I rolled my eyes. Hakeem glanced at his phone and back at me. "you right, but I'm going to gone head go home, my sister there , thank you for allowing me to crash here for a few minutes." he thanked me. "mhm." I replied showing him the door.

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