Chapter 7 : New Life , New Drama

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Jasmine was pretty unsure on what
she should do, bills were piling up ,but no money was coming in. Jay'D was helping out, which was good, but jass didn't want to be a burden on somebody else.

Jasmine pov

I called the girl last night, Mariah was her name. We both agreed to meet up at the club. I drove down the street looking for the club. I notice to my right it was a tall, large building with the name Club Lust on the top. I pulled up at the club and parked next to an all white BMW. I sat back in the seat and glance around the car. It use to be my moms car and it still had her scent in it. I sighed. "forgive me moma." I got out and walked in the building. When I walked in I saw a girl with long weave and a guy in a suit standing next to her. Once I came over , they both stop talking and the girl smiled at me. "jasmine ?!" She asked. "yes" I replied and we both gave each other a handshake. "This is my boss, aka, the owner of Lust, Dallas." I shook Dallas hand. "Nice to you meet you, I'm Dallas , I'm the owner of Club Lust, Manager , all that and your soon to be boss as well, here we treat our dancers with respect and equal opportunity, I'm leant about many things, like if you have kids and what not ...due too we have a lot of dancers that work here so you could easily be replaced for the night just don't except to get paid for that night , I don't usually fire dancers but I have and I will, I just ask ,for no drama to be brought here and for you to not to bring any illegal drugs. weapons and all that, I like my dancers to be sober or a lil tipsy never drunk or drugged out cause you look a mess on stage. " Listening to Dallas giving me a run down made me really think about what I am doing. "Ok." I replied. "well just need to see you dance." Mariah smiled at me. "Right now ?" I frowned up. "yes." she replied. I nodded and took off my jacket. I took off my shoes, and climbed on stage. Mariah went to the dj booth and turned on Private Show by T.I ft Chris brown. I closed my eyes and listen to the music. It brought me to night I met Jay'D and I danced on him. "just relax." I remember him saying. Before I knew it I was dancing on the pole. I made sure it was sexy and clean. I don't know any tricks but I knew I could do a split against the pole because Ashlynn and I use to do it all the time at the playground.
My thoughts were interrupted by club door opening. I couldn't really see who it was but I kept dancing.
After a few minutes I smiled at Mariah and Dallas clapping their hands. There was a 3rd person standing there with them. I walked down the steps and my heart froze when that 3rd person was Hakeem. What the hell was he doing here. "That was great, you can start tomorrow night." Dallas told me as he walked off on the phone. "that's was great girl, umm jasmine this is our Dj, Hakeem, Hakeem this is our new dancer, Jasmine." Mariah introduced us. "Nice to meet you." Hakeem shook my hand. The tension between us was scary. "Well come on Jasmine, I have to show you around." I followed Mariah to the back rooms. I could feel Hakeem staring at me as I walked off. "ok jass, nights it can get really pack back here in the dressing room, your locker would be number 777 , and I'll give you a key when we leave here, and basically you might want to bring makeup, curlers , flat iron and find a local lingerie store and find some sexy stuff to wear on stage and of course glass heels, or whatever else as long they are really tall and skinny. Ashlynn told me your are 19, so don't worry about bar duty, but most importantly make sure you have tuff skin because not all these girls are nice like me and some nights you are going to be working and im going to be off." She explained. I nodded. After I toured the place , Mariah went to go get my key and badge while I stayed in the main room. I notice Hakeem flipping through some music. I walked up there to the booth with him. i knocked softly and went in. "What's up Hakeem." I asked looking at him. "hey." he replied with no emotion. "I didn't know you worked here." I could tell Hakeem really didn't want to talk but I kept going. "yea, a lot you don't know." Hakeem kept his eyes on the music. "so, look like we going to be working together." I said to him. "yeap." was his only reply. "and you don't have no problem me being a stripper?" I kind of ask not sure of what the answer may be. "why should I care , remember." Hakeem look pissed. I slowly nodded. "Here you go Sahara , Remember tomorrow night at 8pm." Mariah said to me. "Sahara ?!" I questioned. "that's your stage name." She smiled. Mariah walked off leaving Hakeem and I again. "well I'm going get going." I sighed. Hakeem didn't reply. I walked off and out the building. I got in my car. I check my phone and seen a text from Ashlynn and Jay'D.

Ashlynn: hey boo 😊 let me know how the interview go 😉

Ashlynn: Mariah told me your new name is Sahara cause you hot like the desert ma 😘😍

Jay'D: call me when you free boo 😘😘 I miss you

I hit Jay'D name and call him.

(At red lobster ) 🐟

"So you are a stripper?" Jay'D asked me. "yeap" I replied dipping my crab meat in the butter. "wow that's crazy, I never thought you, but I know it's some that you have to do, so I support you." Hearing that Jay'D supports me, really made me want to be with him more. "But I have a surprise for you though." he said and I frowned up. "what is it?" I laughed. "well the reason I haven't invited you over cause I was a little embarrass about my place but, I just bought my first dream home but it's not complete until my dream girl lives in there." he replied. Jay'D pulled out a small box and open it. inside was key to his house. my jaw dropped. "Jay'D this is too much." I replied. "I know it's soon but, I think you should come stay with me, until you get on your feet and you can stay as long as you want and You can save money and just let me take care you." I smiled at Jay'D. He had been here for me, and now offering me to stay with him. "it has a guest room, if that makes you feel more comfortable." he added on. "what about Riley?" I asked. "well she's gone back to New York with her mom for the next couple months, then she'll be back , but I have enough room." Jay'D explained. I nodded. "when can I move in?" This huge smiled appeared on Jay'D face.

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