Chapter 16: Craxy Rxde (part 2)

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Tbh I'm not scared of him anymore. Jay'D likes to play these dumb ass games and I'm annoyed. We pulled up to his house and I got out. I walked up to the door before he did and folded my arms. Jay'D looked at me. "Damn nigga you going look at me or open the damn door !" I spat at him. Jay'D shook his head and opened the door. I stormed in and stumped up the stairs. "Want to kid nap me, but can't even come with a grand entrance , lame ass adduction." I mumbled as I went into the room and slammed the door. I sat on the bed and was about to call 911 until Jay'D stormed in and snatched my phone from me. "Really nigga." Jay'D seem irritated because I'm no longer scared of him. I mean of course  I'm nervous because I don't know what he had in mind but showing him that I'm not scared , shows that I'm not playing this little weird fantasy he got. Jay'D shut the door and I heard him lock the outside of the door. I jumped and began banging on the door. "What the fuck ! Let me out bitch!" I screamed.

Hours went by and I'm bored to death. There isn't anything to do. I knew it had to be night. I notice in Jay'D closet were all pictures of me. It sent chills down my back and then that's when I realize I'm dealing with a mentally I'll person and he is obsessed with me.  What if he kills me?

I sat there and thought. "Why my ass so stupid !" I said to my self. I reached under the mattress where I knew this bobby pin always be. I got and began picking the lock, but hell no use. I sat back on the bed , ready to cry cause I don't know long he going to keep me in here. I heard foot steps coming to the door. The door open. "You hungry?" He asked me. I nodded my head yea. He allowed me out. We went down to
Kitchen and I smell food. When I walked in. Jay'D had a full dinner ready plus wine. I sat down and pretended to eat. "I missed you jasmine."
He started the conversation. "Mhm" I replied. "So you engage huh?" He glared at my ring then at me. I placed my hand in my lap. Jay'D was about to say some else but then he was interrupted by the snow storm  outside.

As jay was just staring at me, the power cut off. Thank you God! In that moment I ran for my life. I knew Jay'D went to block the door. I ran upstairs to Riley's room because she had a window. I locked my self inside. I ran to the window and tried to unlock it. The power came back on and I heard Jay'D trying to get the door open. I quickly tried to unlock it, but it was shut tight. I banged on the window to loosen it up and I finally got it open and stepped a foot out. Just as I was about to get out i felt him grabbed my waist and pull me in. I started to fight back. He threw me on the bed. "Let me go!" I screamed trying to fight him. "You ain't leaving me !" He yelled back at me. I kicked Jay'D in his dic and he fell over groaning. I ran out the room and straight down stairs. I could hear him getting up. "Go go go !" My mind kept telling me. I saw my phone on the table. I quickly grabbed in and went to the front door.

I got out and ran. I knew Ashlyn didn't stay too far so I ran to her house. It was storming hard and the wind and snow  blowing like crazy. I saw headlights coming my way, I immediately went on the side of somebody house. I don't know who car that was but I couldn't risk the chance.

When I finally reached Ashlyn house I never been so excited that she was home. I began banging on the door. She didn't answer. I began banging again. "Who at my damn door ?!" I heard her yell. "It's Jass!" I screamed. She opened the door with just a robe on. "Oh my god what happen to you?!" She allowed me in. I broke down crying. My realise my phone was dead. "Get me a phone!" I yelled out. "Baby what's-" tony came from the back room but paused when he saw me sitting there crying and out of breath. Ashlynn gave me her iPhone and I called 911."

"911 what's is your emergency?!"

"I been kidnapp , but I'm at my a friends house now." I was out of breath

"Ok ma'm relax" she told me as I cried in the phone

"I'm pregnant!" I yelled out as I cried.

"Ok ma'm I'm going to need for you to just remain calm and breathe , it's best you and the baby,ok ? Now do you know the name of the gentlemen that kidnapped you .."

After I got off the phone with the operator and told her all the information, I wiped my tears and got warm.

I told Ashlyn the whole thing. She was in total shock on how crazy somebody could be. When my phone charged I notice it was 10 missed calls from
Hakeem. I finally called him back.

"Babe!" His deep voice said into the phone. Hearing him made me want to cry. "Baby....." I began to tear up as I told Hakeem what had happen. My conversation was interrupted by the police and ambulance outside of Ashlynn's house.  "Baby I got to go, the police here" I sniffed. "I'm going to be home tomorrow ok? I'm going to call my dad to come get you." He told me. "Ok" I replied.

The police knocked at the door and Ashlynn answered it.

The police talked to me as the paramedics made sure I was ok. In the midst of all this I saw Ashlyn letting Hakeem's dad in. It's been years since I seen him and he still looks the same.

The police finished up their report and got a warrant got Jay'Ds arrest. I hugged Ashlynn and thanked her.

Hakeem's dad, Richmond, open the door for me to his car.

To be continued ....

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