A Glimmer at the Door of the Living

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It took a moment, a moment that felt like it extended into eternity for the team to realise what happened. Clark Kent had returned to the world of the living, and many people from across Metropolis. Scientists outside the Scout Ship looked up in shock seeing a strange shirtless man floating above them, a nerby police officer drew his firearm memories of the last time a flying unknown person came to the City, and Lois Lane breathed out, her mind not processing the sight of her love.

The newly resurrected Clark flew to one of the last places his mind remembered, the shrine dedicated to Superman. Damaged and a statue shattered during the fight with Doomsday, his clouded mind could barley comprehend what was happening. Why did his face look like his? What were these pictures? What was this place? Raced through his mind.

Quickly the team arrived on the scene, well the superpowered members at least as Bruce had to make his way on foot. Each member lined up seeing Clark Kent had returned, smiles on their faces and delight overwhelming their brains.

"Clark" Y/N spoke, taking a step forward, breathing out as he didn't think. it had been years, years of loneliness working time and time again as Superman tirelessly, trying to live up to the legacy Clark had set for him and now he was back. "It's me" he said, trying to jog the memories of his fallen brother who only narrowed his eyes and tilted his head in confusion.

"Something's not right" Y/N said as he could see it, the slight tensing of the muscles, the way his eyes moved from person to person taking in every detail. Clark was using his x-ray vision to view all of the members present, his ears absorbing every sound within a ten mile radius. All overwhelming his still healing brain at once.

"He's scanning us" Victor pointed out, as his advanced body could see what was happening. Suddenly something happened, Victor's whole body began to twist and contort, twitching and its forcefully raised his left arm.

"Victor, Victor" Barry tried to say worried as Victor's arm now forcefully transformed into a missile launcher

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"Victor, Victor" Barry tried to say worried as Victor's arm now forcefully transformed into a missile launcher. Every member of the team looked at Victor confused and worried as he tried to hold back his arm, barley able to keep it down as it kept pushing against him.

"It's my armor's defense systems! It senses danger! I can't control it" Victor called out as the weapon now pointed towards Clark and fired blasting apart the Superman memorial further.

Clark simply moved to the side avoiding the projectile, and he looked the heroes with anger flooding his brain. He was running off basic instincts, and his lizard brain saw danger, and wanted that danger dealt with.

"Kal-El NO!" Diana called out, as Clark powered up his eyes glowing bright red. Quickly Clark fired two shining beams of pure heat, more powerful than before as the Mother Box had super charged his cells. The beams collided with Victor, whose body instantly folded his other arm into a shield that absorbed the beams, and briefly deflected them off into a nearby police cruiser causing it to explode.

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