Letters...for us?!?!

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*Hannah's P.O.V*

Even though it wasn't our fault (the Dursley's didn't believe us), we got our longest ever punishment for the escape of the boa constrictor. By the time we were let out of the cupboard, it was the summer holidays.

 To be honest, I was glad school was over, but not glad at the same; we couldn't escape Dudley's gang as they visited everyday. Unfortunately. They were all cool with doing Dudley's favourite sport: Potter-hunting. How wonderful! Not. I guess these are the rules for being in Dudley's gang: You have to be big and very stupid. That's probably the only rule because the whole gang are all big and stupid, Dudley the biggest and stupidest of them all. I suppose that's why he's leader. I guess the bigger and stupider the person, the closer they are to becoming leader, although I doubt anyone can beat Dudley, it's just not possible.

 So with Dudley's gang in the house, our only option was to get out of the house to avoid getting beaten up. Harry and I just talked about the end of our holidays because we were happy for it to come; for the first time in our life Dudley and his gang would be going to a different school called Smeltings. It was the secondary school Uncle Vernon went to and I won't be too surprised if Dudley comes back Uncle Vernon-ified. That'd be a nightmare though. Anyway for the first time we probably have friends and won't be bullied since we're going to Stonewall High.

 One day in July we got left at Mrs Figg's because Aunt Petunia took Dudley to London to get his Smelting's uniform. To be honest, she wasn't so bad today. For the first time at her house we didn't have to look at her photographs of cats. Instead, she let us watch television. And that was our first time watching television. Her obsession of cats has died down slightly; she broke her leg by tripping over one of them.

 That evening, Dudley showed off his Smeltings uniform (it's strange for him to be showing off his clothes) for the family, minus me and Harry but we had to be in the room anyway. The boys at Smeltings wore dull orange knickerbockers, flat straw hats with a red band going around it and maroon tailcoats. In addition they carried sticks that looked kind of like walking sticks only knobblier. Apparently these were used for hitting each other behind the teacher's backs. The family, meaning Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon definitely NOT me and Harry, commented proudly on Dudley. Me and Harry just shut up. If I did speak what I probably would've said is: "If I were part of this family then I have never been more insulted in my life! He looks more of a pig with the uniform on!" Instead I excused myself and left the room, to my cupboard, followed closely by Harry. We burst into laughter and shared each other's comments on what we think of Dudley's uniform.

 The next morning, I walked into the kitchen and was greeted by a very nasty smell at which I had a coughing fit. Seriously, it was really strong and smelt of wet paint. It seemed to be coming from a small steel basin in the sink. I went to look inside it. It looked like a bunch of old rags floating in dirty grey water.

"What's that?" asked a voice from behind me

It was Harry. He was asking Aunt Petunia. She looked furious that he had asked a question. Ha in your face Aunt Petunia he just broke your rule. Go Harry!

"Your school uniform," replied Aunt Petunia through gritted teeth

I glanced at the rags again, "Oh. I didn't realise that we'd be wearing bits of elephant skin to school."

"Those are Dudley's clothes," she snapped "I'm dyeing them grey for you two, it'll look the same as everyone elses once I'm done with it."

 "Yeah right," I muttered so that only Harry could hear

We sat down at the table and tried not to think of the horrors that now waited for us on September 1st (our first day of school). Dudley and Uncle Vernon entered the room and wrinkled their noses at the smell of our new... er uniform, if you could call it that. Very few people can.

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