Diagon Alley

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*Hannah's P.O.V*

I kept my eyes tightly shut as I woke next morning. I want that dream to last. Amazing dream that was. I wish that did happen. I'd love to see Dudley with a pigs tail out of his bottom. I smiled to myself happily. I heard someone rap on the door. Damn that's Aunt Petunia. 

"We're getting up," mumbled Harry

We sat up at the same time and a coat fell off us.

"HALLELUJAH!" I said happily as I looked around.

It wasn't a dream, we were still in that shack. Hagrid was sleeping not far from us. I looked around to see what the source of the sound might've been. It was definitely not the Dursleys. I looked at the window and a small tawny owl lay there with a newspaper in its beak. Harry crossed the room, beaming, and opened the window. The owl flew into the room at once.

"Hagrid there's an-" I said loudly

 "Pay him," grunted Hagrid

"I don't have-" said Harry 

 "Look in the pockets, he needs payin' fer the delivery," said Hagrid sleepily

We rummaged in his pockets and found a selection of items that we didn't need and finally found some odd coins.

"Five knuts..." said Hagrid "Yeh know the tiny bronze ones."

We counted out five bronze coins and put it in a small pouch strapped to the owls leg. It flew off after dropping the news paper on Hagrid.

"Bes' be off," said Hagrid sitting up finally "If we want yer school stuff on time."

 "Hagrid?" asked Harry, suddenly serious and anxious "We haven't got any money-"

"Yer parents have left you some," Hagrid assured us "Yeh parents wouldn't leave you without anything."

 "But wait, their house was destroyed-" I pointed out

"They keep their money in the banks not their house! Have a sandwich and some birthday cake."

 "Wizards have banks?" I said, learning another magic fact.

"Yep. Gringotts run by goblins," said Hagrid

 "Goblins?" Harry gasped

Sugar. I didn't know it would turn that extreme. Oh who am I kidding? An evil wizard tried to kill us when me and Harry were babies and we stopped him and I think goblins is extreme? Hagrid continued,"Yeh'd be made ter try an' rob the place, never mess with 'em goblins. Its got spells and enchantments even dragons. Its miles under London. If Hogwarts didn' exist then Gringotts would be the saftest place there is. Anyway got everythin'? Yeh do know yeh can stay if yeh don' wanna come." He walked out of the door. I looked at Harry smiling.

"Well who'd stay with the Dursleys?"said Harry

 "Nobody," I said grinning "Unless your first name's Marge or your last name is Dursley."

"But seeing as we're Potters, LETS GO!" Harry said cheerfully

 We left the shack. The sun shone down onto the rock we were standing on. Damn it could've been like this yesterday but noooo it just had to be stormy. On our birthday! Still the best day of my life, mind you.  We crossed the waters that were much much calmer than yesterday. On the way, we learnt a few new things about the wizarding world. 

 There's a Ministry of Magic who's main job is to keep the fact that wizards and witches exist from Muggles and they usually mess up other jobs they have. People wanted Dumbledore for Minister of Magic but he wouldn't leave Hogwarts so a man called Cornelius Fudge took the job but still asks Dumbledore for advice. Hagrid said that the reason we keep wizards and witches away from Muggles is because they'd all be asking for magical solutions for their problems.

The Potters and the Philosopher's Stone (COMPLETED)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα