You can always make friends by defeating a mountain troll together

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*Hanah's P.O.V*

Malfoy was in shock when he saw us the next morning at breakfast. He obviously was expecting us to be expelled. I had made up with Harry and Ron. We were interested to know what was actually under the trap door but Neville nor Hermione showed the slightest interest. Neville just didn't want to go there again. Hermione refused to speak Harry and Ron but she understood me ("He is your brother after all," she had said) and still talked to me.

 When post arrived, everyone was interested to know what the long thin packages up in the air, each carried by four owls. To our great suprise, they landed in front of me and Harry. It had a letter taped to mine. I ripped it open and read it aloud to Ron and Harry:


They contain your new Nimbus Two Thousands but it has to remain a secret as everyone else will be wanting one when they see it. Oliver Wood shall meet you tonight on the Quidditch Pitch  at seven o'clock sharp for training.

Professor M. McGonagall

"Woah," Ron said "Can we go and unwrap it now?"

Harry left with Ron, and my broomstick as I had no intention of opening it then.

*Harry's P.O.V*

We stopped abruptly as we met Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle in the corridor. Malfoy grabbed Hannah's package. He examined it and then threw it back to me.

"Broomsticks," he spat "First years aren't allowed them, you'll be in for it this time."

 "They're not just any old broomsticks, they're Nimbus Two Thousands," said Ron, smirking at Malfoy's face which had an I AM JEALOUS look plastered on his face "What did you said you had? Oh yeah a Comet Two Sixty. They look flashy but no where near the same league as the Nimbus."

"You couldn't even afford have a handle of a broomstick so what would you know," retorted Malfoy

"Not arguing I hope boys?" said a squeaky voice

I looked down, and Professor Flitwick had appeared at my elbow.

"Professor Potter's been sent a broomstick!" Malfoy said, seizing his chance

I looked calmly at Professor Flitwick, knowing that I won't get in trouble. After all it was sent by Professor McGonagall.

"Oh I heard all about the special circumstances from Professor McGonagall," squeaked Professor Flitwick beaming "What model is it?"

 "Nimbus Two Thousand sir," I answered smiling at Malfoy's face "It's all because of Malfoy I have it!"

I smiled and left with Ron chuckling.

"It is true though, if Neville's Remembrall hadn't been stolen by him, I wouldn't be on the team," I said

 "So that's a reward for breaking the rules is it?" said an angry voice from behind us

We saw that Hermione had spoken, Hannah behind her.

"I thought you weren't talking to us," I said

 "Don't stop, it's doing us so much good," Ron said

Hannah walked forwards and snatched her broomstick from me.

"I just realised you wouldn't be able to get into the Girls' dormitories," she said and marched into the common room before me.

I went up to the boys dormitories with Ron and unwrapped the brown paper to reveal a broomstick. It looked amazing. It had sleek handle that glinted in the light and the tail consisted of twigs, all neat and straight . Nimbus Two Thousand was written in fancy writing on the handle.

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