Rubeus Hagrid

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*Hannah's P.O.V*

BANG. The person knocked again. Harry grabbed my hand, alarmed. Dudley woke up suddenly and asked something about a gun. I don't know why but after all he is stupid so who can blame him. Uncle Vernon came running into the room, with a...rifle in his hand. This must have been the package he had brought.Well Dudley there's your gun.

"Who's there?" he shouted "I'm armed!"

Harry grabbed my hand and hid in a corner. Dudley jumped off the sofa. There was a short silence and then the door was knocked on again with so much force it actually was ripped off the hinges. I squeaked in terror and all the Dursleys screamed, including Uncle Vernon. In the door way, stood a man twice the size of a normal person - no more than twice the size of a normal person! I'm not exaggerating one bit, he was really that big with long bushy beard and his hair was exactly the same as his beard: long and shaggy. His face was almost all covered with his hair but you could still make out his black eyes that glinted mysteriously. You could see the lightning flash furiously behind him. He bent down and walked in.

"Sorry 'bout that," he said, picking up the door and putting it back in the frame as if he was doing a jigsaw puzzle.

 "I demand that you leave at once sir!" snapped Uncle Vernon "You are breaking and entering!"

The giant-of-a-man strode over to him and growled, "Shut up Dursley yeh great prune." He bent the end of the gun as easily as it was made of rubber just as Uncle Vernon shot a bullet into the roof. He squeaked (Uncle Vernon not the giant).

The giant-of-a-man strode over to Dudley who was, frozen with fear. Literally if you waved your hand in front of Dudley's eyes I'm willing to bet he wouldn't blink.

"I haven't seen yeh since yeh was a baby Harry but yer a bit more rounder than I expected," he chuckled "Where's Hannah?"

Dudley squeaked in terror and jumped up in the air as if he had had an electric shock. He eventually managed to form words,"I-I-I'm not - I'm not Harry!"

Harry, still grasping my hand tightly, moved forwards slightly.

"I-I-I am," he stammered "And this is Hannah."

 "Well of course you are," the giant chuckled "Las' time I saw yeh, yeh was only babies. Harry yer look a lot like yer father, but yeh 'ave yer mother's eyes. Hannah yer look a lot like yer mum but yeh've yer fathers hair colour. I'm got summat for yeh. 'Fraid I mighta sat on it at one point bu' it should taste alrigh'."

He brought out a box that was slightly flattened and tied with a blue ribbon. His beetle-like eyes crinkled up as the smile reached them. Harry helped me open it as my hands were shaking. Inside was a chocolate cake with a message written in green icing : Happy Birthday Harry and Hannah!

Our first ever birthday cake!

 "T-thank you," I said looking up at the giant

The giant gave me a look that plainly said, "Don't mention it." He sank into the sofa, which groaned under his weight.  He bent down near the fireplace, and because he was so huge we couldn’t see what he was doing. Harry set the cake aside. When he leaned back again there was a crackling fire there. I stared at the fire, amazed and confused. How did that happen? The whole shack was filled with warmth and light. The giant began to rummage in his pocket and take things out. His pocket seemed to be huge; he had pulled out several mugs, a rusty kettle, a couple plates and a bag of sandwiches. He busied himself in making tea, then toasting the sandwiches over the fire.

Soon, the shack was filled with a glorious smell, and now I couldn’t exactly describe the shack as terrible anymore; the smell of seaweed was not that strong now and it was warm. The giant handed us a plate of sandwiches and me and Harry didn’t complain, we just ate them quietly, staring up at the giant. Dudley shifted a little.

The Potters and the Philosopher's Stone (COMPLETED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt