Snape- he hates me!

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*Hannah's P.O.V*

Okay - Hogwarts. Let's get straight to the point: it's huge and very easy to get lost in. I've already been lost five times on my first day. I actually got really mad at the- the staircases. There are a hundred and forty-two staircases and when Percy says they like to change he means they love to change. It's they're favourite thing. On top of all the changing staircases, you might find one with a step you get stuck in if you forget to jump over it. I had to get two people to help pull me out (Hermione and Harry). Then there's the doors. Some wouldn't open because either they're just walls tricking you (how rude!) or you haven't tickled them in the right place or you have't been polite enough.

Everything keeps moving around. I suppose if the pictures didn't move it would be easier to find places but no they just have to keep visiting each other. The only helpful ghost was Nick who was more than happy to help us out finding our rooms but Peeves - Peeves is the worst. If you met him he seriously might try to kill you. He dropped a waste paper basket on my head! My poor, poor head.

There is worse than Peeves though: Argus Filch our moody caretaker. He has a cat, Mrs Norris, which had lamp-like eyes who patrolled the corridors alone at night. Break one rule - one rule in front of her and she'd run of to get Filch, who knew the secret passages as good as the Weasley twins, and appear in three seconds. And before you know it - BOOM! You've got a detention. How wonderful! Please note the sarcasm.

Lessons are okay, well compared to Muggle lessons - they're awesome. It's not all about wand work as I quickly found out. We do astronomy with Professor Sinistra at midnight with our telescopes looking up at the twinkling stars. I never expected we'd do anything to do with plants but we do herbology. Our teacher is Professor Sprout, head of Hufflepuff. We look at all sorts of plats and fungi that I've never heard of or seen before in my life. History of Magic wouldn't be the worst - but yes it's the most boring subject yet. It's taught by a ghost, Professor Binns, and I would never describe a teacher as stupid - except in this case. I have to say it, he keeps getting my name wrong (calls me Harriett Perkins which annoys me loads) and everyone elses and other odd things to do with the subject he teaches! Apparently, one day hetook a nap in a chair in the teachers' lounge and died in his sleep then later, he got up to go to teach his next class and left his body behind.

Professor Flitwick is our Charms teacher. He's so tiny that he has to stand on a pile of books to see everyone. He got really excited when he got to my name in the register; he fell off the pile of books. Then fell off again when he reached Harry's.

Professor McGonagall, our Transfiguration teacher, is strict. It's basically the only word apart from clever you can describe her as. She's talented as well. In our first lesson with her, she changed her desk into a pig! We were really excited to try but then we had to do loads of note taking and what not. At the end of the lesson we were turning matches into needles. Professor McGonagall showed Hermione's needle and mine to the class and said how it had gone pointy and silver.

"What've we got today?" I asked sitting down at the Gryffindor table

I think I deserve a gold medal; I managed to get to Great Hall without getting lost once!

"Double potions with the Slytherins," Harry replied "Great Malfoy's with us!"

"They say Snape favours the Slytherins," Ron said

"Ugh wish McGonagall favoured us!" I burst out angrily

The post arrived. I got a bit of a shock on the first day when a hundred owls suddenly swooped into the Great Hall, dropping post onto their owner's breakfast. Who was expecting that? Obviously, Hedwig and Eglantine didn't bring me and Harry anything but they did come in to spend a few minutes with us before going to have a nap in the Owlery, with the other owls. This morning, Eglantine swooped down to me and dropped a letter on my toast. I ripped it open and read it aloud to Harry and Ron:

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