Let's do this

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*Hannah’s P.O.V*

We walked into the dark and empty Common room. The fire was glowing feebly, shining on something sitting on the armchair, which turned out to be none other than-

“Trevor,” Ron said grimly “Ssh, go you shouldn’t be here!”

 “And neither should you.”

In the armchair, was the person who had spoken. It was Neville in his dark blue pajamas with teddy bears on them. He stood up and faced us.

“You’re sneaking out again, aren’t you?”

   “Neville, listen-” said Harry, now fretting about time

“No I won’t let you!” he squeaked, looking pale “You’ll get Gryffindor into trouble again! I-I’ll fight you!” He held up his shaking fists.

Hermione sighed then took out her wand.

“Neville, I’m really, really sorry about this,” she said “Petrificus Totalus!”

Neville’s arms had snapped to his sides, his legs firmly stuck together, and he went rigid. He fell backwards onto the floor. I winced.

“You’re a little scary sometimes, you know that?” Ron said quietly “Brilliant, but scary.”

  “Let’s go!” I said, as my scar burned in pain “Okay, Hermione and I will use the necklace, Harry, Ron use the cloak.”

Hermione linked arms with me, and I lifted the wings of the owl and kept it there, making us invisible. We had to walk slowly, in case any of the teachers heard. We finally reached the door.

“Alohomora!” she whispered, pointing her wand at the lock. It opened.

We looked at the three-headed dog suspiciously. It was- snoring. A harp was playing by magic, for sure.

“Snape’s already been here,” I said grimly

Hermione shifted the dog’s paw slightly then opened the trap door. Inside was nothing but pitch-black. I swallowed.

“Okay, look I’m going first,” I said “Don’t jump until I tell you. If anything bad happens- get yourselves out.

 “Er- does it seem, quiet to you?” asked Harry. I saw a shadow move over his shoulder.

“The harp, it’s stopped playing,” said Hermione. Drool dribbled all over Ron’s shoulder.

 “YUCK!” he yelled, trying to wipe it off “Ugh…”

We looked up, and sure enough the dog was awake, baring its teeth. I held my breath and crossed by fingers as I jumped down into the black hole, not sure if I was jumped towards my death. I landed on something soft and squishy.

“JUMP!” I screamed

Harry came next, then Hermione, then lastly Ron. He looked around.

“Whoa…Lucky this plant thing is here really,” he said

Suddenly, the plant moved and began to wrap itself around all of us. I struggled desperately.

“Stop moving, all of you!” Hermione commanded “This is a Devil’s Snare. If you struggle- well it’ll only kill you faster.”

 “KILL US FASTER?” Ron repeated, still struggling “OH – NOW I CAN RELAX!”

She gave him a sarcastic smile, and then she dropped through the Devil’s Snare.

“HERMIONE!” Harry and Ron yelled

I sighed, and then stopped struggling. I was very uncomfortable but luckily it dropped me through. I landed onto the cold stone floor.

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