Platform Nine and Three-Quarters

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*Hannah's P.O.V*

Our last month with the Dursley's wasn't fun, even if Dudley was so scared of Harry and I that he wouldn't stay in the same room as us. He also walked from room to room sideways, perhaps scared of us lengthening his pig's tail. I found it hilarious, because it looked like he might've peed himself or something.

 We usually stayed in our room, with our owls for company. Harry's named his owl Hedwig, a name he got out of a book called: A History of Magic. I had named my owl Eglantine, from the movie Legend of the Guardians. We had watched it in school. The Dursleys would never let us watch anything. Hedwig and Eglantine kept flying in and out of the windows, bringing back mice and choking up their pellets.But they're still both adorable.

 Every night, before we go to sleep, we tick the days off an, it makes me feel better to know that as each day goes by we're one day closer to going to Hogwarts and leaving the Dursleys. On the last day of August, we had to ask Uncle Vernon to give us a lift. If he didn't we'd probably have to ask Hagrid.

"Uncle Vernon?" I asked hesitantly

Dudley, jumped up and ran from the room, his hands clamped over his buttocks. Uncle Vernon grunted.

"Well - you see- we have to be at King's Cross tomorrow," said Harry "to go to Hogwarts. Is it okay if you gave us a lift?"

Uncle Vernon grunted. I hissed to Harry, "Does that mean yes?" Harry shrugged.

"Thank you," I said loudly, almost as if I was shouting.

 "Strange way to get to school," grunted Uncle Vernon "Magic carpets got punctures have they? Where is this school anyway?"

"Er I don't know," I said, frowning. "We just take a train from platform nine and three-quarters at eleven." 

"What?" barked Uncle Vernon, and I clapped a hand to my forehead. How deaf can he get? Honestly!

 "We just take a train from platform nine and three-quarters at eleven," Harry repeated slowly and clearly.

"Don't be stupid!" snapped Uncle Vernon "There's no such thing."

 "Just reading off the ticket," Harry said. "I can read you know." Uncle Vernon, eventually agreed to take us to London to King's Cross. Apparently he was going to London to "remove that ruddy tail off Dudley".


 We woke at five the next morning.

"We're going to Hogwarts!" I whispered excitedly, squealing, but not too loudly; the Dursley's wouldn't be very happy.

 "Forget going back to sleep," said Harry, who had just read the time. "I'm too nervous and excited to do that."

I agreed. We got dressed in "Muggle clothing" and decided to change on the train, because we didn't want all those Muggles staring us down. We checked all our stuff three times and then began to read some more of our school books. Some of them were really interesting. I bought Hogwarts: A History for extra reading and I need more knowledge on Hogwarts.

 Two hours later, we were in the Dursleys' car sitting next to Dudley who was shaking badly. Uncle Vernon actually helped us with our trunks and we stopped near platforms nine and ten.

"Well there you go," he sneered "Your platform should be somewhere in the middle but they don't seem to have built it yet have they?" He left us there, panicking in the middle of a crowded place, and the Dursleys drove off laughing madly.

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