One Year down- Six more to go!

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*Harry’s P.O.V*

I opened my eyes wearily and my vision was blurry. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Around me, I could see boxes and I put on my glasses to see I was surrounded by what looked like a mini sweet shop. I smiled and looked around to see what I was in the Hospital Wing. Hannah lay in the bed next to mine, the white sheets pulled up to her chin. Her right arm was over the sheets, displaying her scar. I looked around at the boxes of sweets again.

“Tokens from your friends and admirers.” I looked up to see Dumbledore’s smiling face. “What happened down in the dungeons between you, Hannah and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret so naturally, the whole school knows.”

I laughed. Then suddenly I remembered about two other people. “Is Ron okay? What about Hermione?”

“Fine,” Dumbledore said calmly “They are both fine.”

“But happened to the Stone?”

“Relax my dear boy,” he said “The stone has been destroyed. My friend Nicholas and I had a little chat and decided it was best."

"But Mr Flamel - he'll die won't he?"

"He has enough Elixir to set his affairs in order and yes, he will die."

There was a sudden noise beside my bed. I looked to see Hannah had woken up.

*Hannah's P.O.V*

I woke up gasping and the memories came back. Voldemort. Quirrell. Stone.

"The stone!" I cried

 "Relax Miss Potter, or Madam Promfrey will have me thrown out."

I looked around to see Dumbledore and Harry. Harry was in the next bed. I looked around to see sweet-boxes and the Hospital Wing.

"The Stone's destroyed and yes Nicholas Flamel will die," Harry said.

 "So Quirrell doesn't have it?" I asked, calming down.

Harry shook his head. I sighed in relief.

"Wait but what happened to Quirrel and Vol- You-Know-Who sorry," I said

 "Fear of the name increases fear of things themselves," Dumbledore said wisely "Call him by his proper name: Voldemort."

"So what happened to Quirrell and Voldemort?"

"Voldemort left Quirrell to die," he replied "You see just how mercy he shows in his followers as his enemies. You two have perhaps just delayed his return to power."

"Sir, can I ask you a couple of things?" Harry asked "It's just that I want the truth..."

"Ah the truth," Dumbledore sighed "Such a beautiful yet terrible thing that should be treated with caution. There may be some questions that cannot be answered until you are a little older. If there is I ask you for forgiveness."

"Voldemort said that he only killed my mother because she was protecting us but why would he want to kill us in the first place?"

"Alas, the first question cannot be answered today, but you will know some day."

"Why couldn't Quirrell touch us?" I asked

 "Your mother died to save you because she loved you. Voldemort cannot understand love. He doesn't realise that love as powerful as your mother's leaves a mark. No visible mark, but some kind of protection. It is agony for someone like Quirrell, full of greed and hatred, to touch someone who is good."

"Sir do you know who sent us the invibility cloak and necklace?"

"I did," he answered simply

"Sir, do you know why Snape-" Harry began

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