Never. Ever. Accept a Midnight Duel from Draco Malfoy

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*Hannah's P.O.V*

"Great. Learning to fly with Slytherins," I said sarcastically "Awesome!"

"No!" Harry said miserably "I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of me."

"You won't make a fool of yourself," Ron reassured him "Even if Malfoy does talk about flying, he's probably just saying I doubt it's real."

And it's very true that he talked a lot about flying. I think he just makes us the stories - since they always have the same ending: him making a narrow escape from Muggles in helicopters.

It wasn't just me and Harry who were nervous, it was Neville and hermione too. Neville was fretting about not even being near a broom, because his grandmother never let him. Hermione was worrying that she won't get the hang of it because you can't learn it out of a book or anything like that. Still, everyone's good at something. Even Neville, he's good at herbology.

At breakfast, Neville had just received a package. He tore off the brown paper.

"It's a Remembrall!" he said excitedly

"Remembrall?" I repeated, confused

"If you hold it tight like this and it goes red, it means you've forgotten...something," Neville explained

He stared at the now scarlet Remembrall.

"But the trouble is...I don't know what I've forgotten!" he said

Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle walked over and Malfoy snatched the Remembrall rudely out of Neville's hand.

"Give that back!" I hissed angrily

It's more than enough that he bullies me and Harry but he is not going to pick on Neville! I won't allow it. Sorry did that sound over protective? Yeah I guess. Professor McGongall appeared out of nowhere.

"What's going on here?" she snapped, looking dangerously at us 

 "The Malfoy idi- Malfoy's got Neville's Remembrall," I said, covering up my insult quickly before she heard exactly what I said

Malfoy scowled and dropped the Remembrall as if he was dropping a bug. He left with Crabbe and Goyle waddling behind them. I wonder...are Crabbe and Goyle related to Dudley? Must be...they're all incredibly fat! I smiled sweetly at Professor McGonagall before she left for the staff table again.


We hurriedly stood next to a broomstick, an order from Madam Hooch, our teacher with sharp yellow eyes and short grey hair. My broom looks like its been crushed then put back together again. The twigs at the end were bent in all different angles.

"Hold your right hand over your broom and say up," commanded Madam Hooch

I stuck my hand out over my broom. Right here goes nothing.

"Up!" I said commandingly

My broom shot into my hand at once. I smiled at Harry, whose broom had also reached his hand at once. Very few people's brooms had did this. Hermione was trying really hard. Her face was screwed up in concentration.

"Keep trying," I said encouragingly "You'll get it-"

I broke off suddenly; Neville's broom had unexpectedly shot up and, smacked him right there in his face. I winced as Neville fell to the ground. When everyone's brooms had finally been sorted out, we were shown how to mount our brooms. Madam Hooch said that Malfoy had been doing it wrong for years.

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