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"He's been gone for three days. Three days!" I exclaim, leaning back against my seat from exhaustion. At first, I assumed Reece was just being Reece and decided to avoid me because of my outbreak at his place. I thought Reece might have been embarrassed and didn't want to face me. But then, one day turned into two. I figured that maybe Reece just needed some kind of break. I tried desperately to not think of the worse case scenario: that he went to a party and got incredibly drunk, winding up at some random woman's bedroom. 

Now that three days have passed without any sight of Reece, my mind is overcome by every worse case scenario possible. Either Reece is currently busy with his player ways or Rapax has got to him and Reece is injured terribly somewhere. 

Right across from me, sipping her chi tea, is someone I never would have expected to be hanging out with. If someone came to me one month ago and told me that I would be hanging out with the head cheerleader of Beacon High during lunch, I would have laughed so hard to the point of tears.  That would be me one month ago and yet, today, I'm eating sushi and whining about my worries to Chasity. 

Acting indifferent as usual, Chasity continues to drink her delicious beverage before taking another bite of her California rolls. "You need to stop freaking out. I'm sure he's fine." 

"And how would you know that?" I question, not believing her words. Whenever someone says that a given situation is fine, their lying. I point my chop sticks at her, defiantly. "That's right, you don't."

Chasity scoffs, and uses her own chop sticks to push aside my own. "Actually, I do. While you were off sulking, I took the liberty to investigate. I went over to Reece's penthouse and had a discussion with Mr. Castellano. It turns out, Reece is fine. He just needed some time alone." Chasity clarifies, shocking me so much that I accidentally drop my chops, causing them to fall into my iced tea drink. 

Chasity and I both helplessly watch my drink as a tiny piece of ginger covered with wasabi drowns to the bottom of my cup. Well, that iced tea was good while it lasted. 

Back to business. "What? That's it?" I shriek, bring attention to our table. A few customers glare at us disapprovingly. I ignore them and continue. "Do you know where he went?"

"No," Chasity immediately replies, "besides, if a guy wants to be left alone, do you think he'd want us to know his whereabouts?" She asks me and I shake my head. "Exactly, so just relax and enjoy your lunch." Chasity and I briefly look back at my wasabi infected iced tea. 

I sigh but listen to her request, grabbing a volcano roll with my hands, and putting it all in my mouth. I can't take small buts of my rolls. Either I eat it whole or none at all. "You've been awfully calm through out this entire situation." I've been experiencing a minor panic attack with Reece's disappearance and  Cameron has been feeling blue ever since his encounter with Avery. Even Bailey has been worried even though she doesn't know about the Super Trio. Out of everyone here, Chasity refuses to show emotion. 

The monochromatic blonde shrugs her shoulders. "That's how I was raised."  

Oh...right. I gulp, swallowing my delicious sushi roll, not knowing how to begin the conversation I desperately want to start. The curiosity has been nagging me ever since the discovery. I badly want to know more. So how do I make myself look normal?

The answer: it's impossible.

In a spam of three seconds, I go from a worried high school girl to an excited five year old kid. I clap my hands together and actually jump in my seat. "Oh my raw fish! This is so awesome! I never would have guessed that your family was so cool! I mean, your dad works for-" I rant incredibly fast until Chasity puts a stop by throwing one of her rolls perfectly into my yapping mouth.

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