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Reece is the one at fault for making today my dooms day. Ever since he left last night for another one of his life saving missions, I couldn't focus on anything but him.

Why couldn't he stay longer? I know I told him to leave but I didn't really mean it, I just had one of my woman moments. That stupid phone of his with that stupid ring tone to indicate he has a mission just had to ring at that moment? At least he was with me for a bit, helping me with my shoulder. Gosh, I can never get tired looking at his hair. Thank the forces above for having him take off his toque so I that could fawn over his brown locks.

But the main thought that left me wide awake at night was what did Reece want to say to me before he was interrupted by his phone? Maybe be wanted to say that he was done with our friendship?  He must had enough of my childish attitude. Yet there was a tiny, little voice in the back of my mind whispering what if?

What if Reece wanted to confess his feelings for me?

My emotions were an endless roller coaster as I kept feeling hope then denial and back to hope. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I completely forgot about my homework, let alone my quiz for bio.

This is why I felt sorry for myself during my first period cooking class and crammed as much knowledge for the quiz as I could in my second period spare. Now, I'm staring blankly at the clock on the wall in front of Mr. Live's English class, waiting for the time for the next class. I just want to get bio over and done with so I can go home and just sulk around, worrying about Reece.

"Psst, Zada!" I turn my head slightly to the right to the desk beside me. There is just a small row that separates Charlie and I. Mr. Live likes to have his class in rows. This way, it's easier to catch misbehaving students who are texting or playing games on their phones.

"Yah?" I ask Charlie quietly once I'm certain that Mr. Live isn't looking our way. I'm the kind of student who doesn't get in trouble often therefore, when I do get on a teacher's bad side, I feel guilty and ashamed about it for a long time. To this day, I regret splashing paint all over Reece in first grade which earned me a stern lecture from my grade one teacher. I shouldn't have let Reece get to me or I should have at least taken my revenge on him after school for ruining my painting of a flower.

There I go again, thinking about Reece.

"Why you so down?" Charlie questions in concern. I'm left speechless for a few seconds because I thought no one would notice the change in my mood. Let's be honest, I don’t have many friends. In fact, Bailey and Reece are the only friends I spent a lot of time with in and out of school. I have a few acquaintances but that's that and I've been avoiding Bailey all day today.

Yet Charlie, a guy I barely know, notices my mood change immediately. "Don't you mean 'why are you so down'?" I smile, finding my grammatical correction ironic because we are in English class.

You know you're a nerd when...

Charlie gives me an unimpressed blank look and rephrases his question by asking, "does it have to do with Reece?" Even though he whispered, a few girls sitting nearby either perked up in their seats or turned their head slightly in our direction, eagerly wanting to hear the latest gossip on Beacon High's golden boy.

I instantly respond with, "no, not him," to get the ease dropping girls to stop paying attention to our conversation and it worked. They turned their attention back to Mr. Live who is currently informing us of what we are going to do tomorrow. I take a quick peak at the clock to see that the bell will ring in about a minute. "It's about the girl who bugged us at the cafe yesterday." I'm also feeling incredibly nervous because we have a bio quiz next period that I had to cram for during spare because I was too busy thinking about my best friend/crush/superhero who I confessed and made things really awkward between us but I'm definitely not going to tell Charlie that.

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