Chapter XXIX - Peter

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MARCO: “Look’s here at the—at the after.”

I try to decipher My friend’s text and I’m probably dumber just by trying. 

PETER: “You have an English degree. Use it, please.”

MARCO: “UGH! Look”

MARCO: “Luek”


PETER: “Marco what the fuck is going on? What about Luke? Did something happen to him?”

I give up on texting after getting no response and call him instead. He answers and I’m met with so much noise I have to pull my phone from my ear for a second.

“Marco? Where are you?!”

“I’m here!” 

For fucks sakes, he’s drunk. Great! 

“Marco, ” I shout–my voice echoing in the otherwise empty house. “Wherever you are, find the bathroom.” 


I hear commotion and opt for putting him on speaker in case he wants to implode my eardrum again. I hear a lot of shouting along with the music that gets quieter until I almost can’t hear it. Then Marco is back.


Why is he so drunk? What did Beth do now?

“What’s going on, man? Where are you?”

“After. The club. I’m here. Luke’s here too.” Almost as if he knew I would ask, he adds, “Alone. He’s alone. Because he loves you. You love him too.” 

Marco and I are on the phone a little longer and I think of something my father told me to do. 

I talk my friend into drinking just water from now on if he plans to stay out longer. Even more so when he says he drove himself there. He agrees, so I tell him to give me a heads up when Luke leaves the place. I also promise to check in with him throughout the night so I can pick him up if he’s still too drunk. No matter how many times I tell him I’m not meeting him there, he keeps saying “See you soon,” before hanging up.

My brain works overtime planning something I wanted to do soon, but didn’t expect the opportunity to do it to show itself even sooner. 

A friend and his wife own a flower shop so by a miracle I convince them to open the shop for me. They own the building and live on the second floor so it isn’t as much hardship, thank god. 

My initial plan called for red roses. As many as possible. Due to the short notice, though, I take what I can and buy almost every bundle of red flowers my buddy has with various types that I don’t know the name of. Sebastian has a truck for the shop so he offers to help me deliver them and when I tell them what I’m doing, Katty —his wife— jumps in and offers to help.

We drive over to Wells’ house and with Katty’s guidance Sebastian and I move things around and place them where she wants them. The final result has to be something out of a romcom or a Disney movie.

“What now?” My friend asks.

“Now I wait.” 

Sebastian and Katty leave after making me promise to fill them in on whatever Luke’s reaction is. I move my car out of the driveway to park it on the street and sit on the porch waiting for Luke.

Between playing games, checking in on Marco, and scrolling through social media I don’t pay attention to how long passes.

A car turning into the driveway makes me look up in time to see that it’s Wells' vehicle so I get up and walk a few steps to stand by the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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