Talk(part one)

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Thanks to the few people who have read this story. I was overjoyed to see that someone actually took the time to read it. Because of those few people I wrote another chapter. Enjoy!

Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's fucking house we go. The little ditty I had learned as a child played in my mind. We weren't quite going to a kindly grandmother's house but I felt that it was still applicable somewhat to our current situation. Jane, who had clearly not done enough running through the woods previously, dragged on me somewhat. I was glad that she had at least stopped complaining loudly enough to wake the dead sadly that didn't mean she wasn't whining in my ear.

"Do you even know where we are going?" She glared into my eyes as if trying to detect my levels of certainty. Clearly what she found was not up to her code. "You have no fucking clue where we're going do you?" She leaned as far away as the dense foliage and my grip on her hand would allow.

I brushed the hilt of my knife as I was given to do and smiled although there was no real mirth in it. "I know the general idea of the place and the time but there are things that make this grandmother's house a bit tricky to locate. It of course helps to know where you are going," I continued jauntily, "but it is more about whether the house wants to be found or not."

"Please tell me that you're fucking joking." When I gave no indication that this was the case she yelled in outrage. "You are tearing through the woods dragging me along looking for a house that might decide that it actually doesn't want to be found, all to visit a mysterious friend you've yet to reveal the identity of to me."

"That is the general idea." I admitted.

"You're un-fucking-believable." Jane huffed. If she still had her knife on her at this moment I would want to be somewhere far away.

I ran my tongue over my teeth and gave what might have been construed as a laugh. "I get that a lot Sweetheart." The slap caught me off guard.

"Jeff, I get that I don't have a knife and that you do. I also fully understand my current position as loser of our fight but if you ever call me sweetheart again I will rip the skin off your damn face with my fucking fingernails." She sounded dead serious.

I smirked enjoying our fun little game. "Whatever you say, sunshine." I dodged the inevitable smack laughing like mad. "We should be getting close." The house was apparently in a great mood tonight.

She made a disgruntled sound that was all guttural. "When you're trying to find a house lost to space and time that means zilch." I looked behind me and raised an eyebrow at her constantly encroaching sarcasm as though the vocal inflection was living entity before me. Jane made every effort to take no notice of my gaze however briefly it was upon her. This was of course how I was assured of her attentiveness to my every move. She was still a wild animal and, despite the lack of physical violence towards me at this moment I knew firsthand what she was capable of.

"It was a warning." I deadpanned. "It was supposed to be fucking helpful."

"And what sad impression of me dictates I need a shitty ass helpful warning?" She glared at me with a killer's intent. It made shivers tag team up and down my spine not unpleasantly.

"Just don't get me dirty when you throw up." I could feel the cold dead air dragging me in so tenderly that I almost started to wonder if the old mansion missed me. A sudden and agonizing jerk in my mind and stomach yanked me down and pulled me inside out. Jane's scream of pain was a delightful cacophony to hear. Everything vanished from my field of vision as I relaxed and waited.

We were suddenly on solid ground again as the black released us into a catacomb like atmosphere. A retching from Jane warned me to drop her hand and move behind her as fell to her knees and, just as I had predicted, was violently sick. Despite my previous indifference I knelt beside her tenderly and held her hair back from her face as she expelled everything she had eaten within the last twelve hours onto the ground before her. "I puked the first time too." I whispered sympathetically as I smoothed her long black waves down over her back and fished in my pocket for the cloth I used to clean my knife. I examined it for any obvious congealed blood then handed it to her.

Jane looked at me resentfully but took it anyway. It was clear she felt like total shit after our trip and didn't want to move but I wasn't really in a coddling mood anymore so I jerked to my feet and yanked her with me. "Can't you give me a minute? I just puked you bastard." She protested.

"It's all complaints with you isn't it." I muttered in annoyance. "I don't have time to just sit around when we are already so close to the house. Don't you want to meet everyone?"

"Whatever. Just don't expect me to feel bad if you get hurt." Jane grumbled.

She followed me through the woods cautiously and I fought the urge to laugh at her. Who did she think was going to jump out at her? The fucking Rake? Then I did laugh because that actually might happen here and what's the point of holding a perfectly good laugh back. Just to see her reaction I brought my fingers to my mouth and gave a piercing whistle. The loud bark of a dog made her jump nearly right out of her skin. "What was that" She looked like she wanted to murder me for scaring her. You know she always looked like she wanted to murder me now that I think about it.

"Relax." I said with a leer. "It's just Smile." As if on cue a shaggy, black and blood stained hound leapt out of the undergrowth with, as his name would suggest, with a big all too human smile. He barked excitedly and licked my hand then turned to Jane and turned his head curiously. With a cautious bark he crept forward nudged her hand then lay down, exposing his belly.

Jane stooped and gave Smile's belly a good rub. She slowly started to smile and soon she was laughing as Smile pawed her leg in an attempt to pet her back. "You are a very soft dog Smile." As if understanding Smile licked her hand and looked up at her with reverence.

"Oh come on Smile, I thought you liked me best!" My protests were not real but they served the intended purpose. Smile got to his feet regretfully and, after one last sad glance at Jane, bolted off back to the house. "Come on." I reached out a hand to help her up. She ignored me and got up on her own. "Let's get to the house."

Two Broken Minds (A Jeff the Killer x Jane the Killer fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now